Made it through the holidays!

The holiday season is usually a tough time for me due to family problems, but I made it through without a drop to drink! I have found that having a back up plan is the best thing ever. Whenever I knew I would be somewhere where there would be alcohol served, I made sure I had my own things to drink. Christmas I made a mock sangria that everyone ended up loving and I drank out of a rocks glass so I felt included. For NYE breakfast I had a “mimosa” that was sparkling cider and orange juice and it was delicious! 15 days into this new start and I am feeling great and sleeping like a baby!


Hi Kelly - for those of us in the UK I’m guessing (hoping!) that when you say you were drinking sparkling cider it wasn’t the 7 percent alcohol cider I used to drink in Somerset, which knocks you senseless (but doesn’t give you a hangover as it’s not full of chemicals).
In the US is ‘Cider’ apple juice and ‘Hard Cider’ alcoholic?
And great that you’ve got through the worst period of the year, the rest of this has to be easier!

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Hello @Charlesfreck! Yes, US sparkling cider is essentially apple juice with carbonation, while the “hard” ciders are alcoholic. I had the non-alcoholic cider! Thank you, I am feeling optimistic about the future :smile:

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Fantastic work! I totally agree that having a non-alcoholic drink in my hand has saved my bacon :kissing_heart: Congrats on the 15 days!

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Yeah, like martinellis. I HAVE to try this. Used to be a big fan of mimosas…hold the OJ, lol.

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