Made it to 69, and relapsed

So I fucked up.
Bless you all


Every day sober is just that, a sober day. It doesn’t matter if it’s just 1 or 100, just work it one day at a time and try not to be so hard on yourself. You only fail when you stop trying, so get up, brush yourself off and keep moving forward. You got this!


You’ve learnt something. That’s good. Next time you feel like using you think to yourself “I’ve worked damn hard for this. Why should I mess that up!”
It works for me. Especially in the early days when I got to 30 days and I thought about drinking, I’d think of how hard it had been to get there.
Dont fret about where you are now. just concentrate on today.


Are you prescribed the benzos or no? I only ask because I am prescribed benzos and have been on them for a while now. I’m just one of those people who have to be on them. I have a severe case of general anxiety disorder, social anxiety, depression, and PTSD. When I went to doc (psychiatrist) for getting off of opiates I asked them if I should try to get off the benzos and they said absolutely not. I guess they saw my past medical history and agree with my general practitioner that I need to be on them. I’m not trying to encourage you to take them by any means; just curious if you were prescribed or not? Because taking them responsibly they help me tremendously. I can take those responsibly; it’s the pain pills that I cannot AT ALL😌

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@Danna17 hang in there! I had 5 months and relapsed for the 5th time. Sounds like you had a small bump but you got control of it quick! Good luck

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You can start over today, commit, get your goals straight, get your head in the game. Turn your counter to seconds or minutes. The numbers get bigger faster. I know how hard it is with the benzos. My detox was around a month too, the worst (but best for the rest of my life) month ever! I cannot ever make it through that again!

This time make sure you don’t have anything in the house. This time change your doctors so you have someone who won’t write the script. Find people to be accountable to. When shit gets bad for me I turn to a group of sober friends who know about my anxiety and mental health. I vent or make silly statements about wanting to punch people in the face, or just simply say I’m anxious or irritated. They don’t have to talk me off the ledge, they know that I’ve already told on myself and would have to admit if I took benzos to them. I have never had to admit that to anyone this time. I have set myself up for success and haven’t been anywhere near the benzos. The effort I would have to put in to find maybe a few would be way too much work.

Set yourself up for success! It can absolutely be done!


You’re doing good! When in doubt go back to your old threads and see how relapsing made you feel. Get angry and let it all out. Nothing wrong with that

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U got experience behind you now. You will do beter this time. Good luck and take care.

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SYou threw em away, you’re back on track that’s what matters. It would have been easier to say F it I guess I’m back on drugs and fall down the rabbit hole. But you didn’t. And nobody is counting but you. Who cares if you were sober 69 days not sober 2 and then you go to to be sober for 31 more. At that point you still have 100 days of sobriety maybe just not in a row. It’s all in the math lol everybody slips up it’s part of the process. Being mad at yourself isn’t going to accomplish anything, you just get back on the horse when you fall off. You’ll be great you’ve done so many days already just keep doing what you were doing again.

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