Made it to 7 days!

It’s been a struggle the last few months to get past the weekend. I did it. 7 days today! One of my friends that I also partied with a lot started a fitness challenge which includes cutting out alcohol. She also shared the cutting alcohol was a big part of it. So great to hear I’m not alone. When I jump started my sobriety journey I used a fitness challenge as my driving factor also which got me through my longest bout of 25 days. (The challenge was 21)

I know I have a drinking problem, I know it hurts me and my family, I know once I start I can’t stop…and if using a fitness challenge to help me or any one else get on the path to sobriety in for it.

Her sharing that with me this weekend helped me push through. I’m so glad she did!


Congratulations on 7 days! There are a lot of people on here that got sober in different ways. 8 used this place and AA. Be active, and there will be more sober days ahead.


Congratulations on one week Lulu.
That first week was the worst struggle for me. I never want to do that again.
Great job.

I was just reading in The Unexpected Joy Of Being Sober. Whatever it takes for that first month. Do it!!
Even if it’s getting addicted to something else. Exercise, food, hiking etc…. As long as you don’t pic up.
It’s a pretty good easy read.


Going to look it up! I read quit like a woman and it helped a lot with my thinking and ensuring that even if I didn’t quit the first time and succeed not to put pressure on myself counting days but ensure that I’m ultimately working towards total sobriety!

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Congratulations, amazing job! Just take it one day at a time. I’ve just passed the 2 week mark. I still find the evenings and weekends tough but exercise has been my friend so far…

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Great work! That first week was so hard for me, I think you are doing amazingly. Congratulations :clap:t2: I :ok_hand::two_hearts:

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