Made it to 8 months

Feeling great happy to be alive and love how I feel my family is finally proud of me for staying sober for this long hope to keep going and make it to a year and keep going from there


Great job! You’ve made it this far, you can keep it up. Hugs :blush:

Congrats! Use your family as a motivator and you’ll be able to live a happy sober life! :sun_with_face:

Well done @Daryl1988, a fantastic achievement, keep going :+1:

Congratulations, great to read

That is quite an accomplishment, congratulations!!!

Keep it up! Congrats!!

Way to go! That is great!

Great stuff man! Congrats

Wow. What a great accomplishment! You should be very proud. You are inspiration and motivation for me. Keep up the awesome work.

Good job! Man