Made it to day 5(now what)?

So today is day 5 of being off the drink. I feel great and im full of motivation, but how does everyone keep on keeping on? Im doing new things and filling my time with things to keep me distracted. What are some of the things everyone does to keep busy?


@Zero210 Well done on your 5 days. To help with sobriety I’m binge listening to sober podcasts, there are so many. I have also be taking note of tips & strategies that are mentioned in these podcasts & trying them out on the chance they might help me too. I am journalling about my journey (30 days today) I am reading quitting stories. I’ve bought a couple of quit-lit books. Other than that I’ve been keeping up with hobbies in general. I like to crochet & knit, listening to a lot of music, just keeping myself busy when not in work. I’ve also been trying to pay attention to my breathing and do a little bit of meditation. I haven’t been good with self care over the years so I’m trying to be more mindful about taking care of myself.
If it’s things to occupy your time you could try Google “hobbies”. Try then all, you’ll find something you enjoy.


Here’s a bunch of ideas to grow your sobriety.


I’ve found self care and focusing on oneself’s happiness
Being in the moment to appreciate what you have, sitting back and enjoying some new music (I currently am digging string quartet music), while taking in a bit of reading.
Hitting the gym and exercise has been massively motivational while rocking out to some great tunes. Walks with the dogs. Dinner and hockey games with wife and son. Going to small concert events. Some photography, working in shop.
Extra time in washroom trimming up and taking healthy time with skin cream, and taking care of tattoos.
Just mostly focusing inward as to what I need and enjoying those slower moments.
Live in the now. Don’t worry about tomorrow or even later today, just the now.

Well down to the gym I go.
Best of luck finding your happy places. :pray::heart:


Welcome Aaron and congrats on 5 days!
I filled my early days with recovery related stuff. Not that I had a lot of free time with a full-time job and a family but I certainly found the time to drink and drug and I had to do the same for my recovery. Hobbies are great to keep busy but the hard work comes in when we get to the root of addiction.


One Day at a Time its really that simple
I wake up think to myself “I’m not drinking today” I don’t think about tomorrow or the next day I just get through today


Ive been working out, and working on my tattooing and fixing my truck.


Im doing the same. Just focusing on today.

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In early sobriety in my time there wasnt any internet so no podcasts or u tube i went to meetings and joined a gym and hill walking and changed my diet worked on Body,Mind,and Spirit ,plenty of hobbies out there and clubs wish you well


Keep it up brother…those good feelings will soon dissipate and are left with raw feelings and emotions…step back, think think think before you decide to steer the car and start doing donuts