I have really done a number to myself this time… I got so drunk at work and I dont even remember the majority of the day and completely passed out in the parking lot… What the eff was I thinking? Why am I struggling so hard with this? I want more than anything in the world to be sober for ever and always I cant believe I made such a poor decision. So utterly embarrassing… Now I have to show face at work until my owners get back and probably let me go. Why does alcohol destroy me so… I cant go on like this…to reset again
OK well firstly you cannot undo what has happened so you need to move on. You will have to face the embassament head on keep your head held high a face the consequences. Once that is over and done with then you will need to look into what made you do it and identify your triggers. Also if you work around alcohol it might not be wise. I reset today was sick all day and am very annoyed but I am looking forward now thanks to this forum. Please don’t beat yourself up about it we have all done horrendously silly things that we regret. But as addicts we lack the control that others have it is an illness and we all need help and we all falter sometimes. Nearly at day one let’s make it many more days. Sending you happy thoughts you will get through this x
I guess you are right, I have just been singing the same song and dance for quite some time. Enough is enough and its time to seriously make some changes in my life. 2017 Is going to bring, change, beauty love and determination. No more of this 2 steps forward 5 steps back nonsense. I cant take it any more its destroying me. 2016 has been a dreaded year and I am definitely ready for a new beginning. Thank you for taking the time out of your day to talk to me with your kind words… It means more to me than anything…xoxoxox
We all have our embarrassing stories. You are not alone. Try an AA meeting. I have been going to one for a month now and it’s helped me so much. The people there are so nice, so welcoming, so sweet and nonjudgmental. I can honestly say that I made new friends in AA. Try it… I bet you’ll love it.
Thank you @ariana2607 im going to start going to one that my friend has said has been so very helpful. I want to start going everyday until I get comfortable but I do find AA meetings very intimidating. I need to make some kind of change if im ever going to see any kind of improvement in my life! I gotta wake up from this nightmare all ready! Enough is enough!!! Thank you for reaching out. This forum has truly been a savior to me.
@Shelbyeriss if AA is not your thing, you can always try SMART recovery. I did and I’m happy I switched.
What is that about?? @xmarkvsx? Im happy to try anything.
Yeah, 2016 sucked for me…mainly because of the choices I made while deep in my addiction. Everything was falling apart and was harder than it had to be. I’m really hoping for a year full of sobriety blessings, happiness, laughter, and contentment within myself in the coming 2017. 2016 can bite me…lol
Haha seriously!!! 2016 was sooooo terrible and of course all because of my decisions as well. 2017 is going to be the best year im going to make sure of it! lets make sure of it together!!! I will not go through the same shit I put myself through again!!! We can do this lets make it amazing!!! Its going to be a sober beautiful fresh new start!
Agreed andvAmen sista!
Agreed new start and hopefully a sober one, new years will be the next challenge. But have decided this path so will be checking in here on NY eve to remind me of what needs to be done! I actually can’t wait for 2017!
Your very right I can’t wait either for what 2017 will bring it’s going to be an amazing new year I can feel it in my bones!!!
The choice is ours…
Make sure you all go do @Oliverjava 's New Years Pledge to Stay Sober