Mary Jane friend or foe

I’ve been a habitual smoker since the age of 12 and legit have smoked every day since. I’m a functioning pot head, you know a smoker who can smoke from the time I wake up till the time I go to bed and in between I’ve worked 2 jobs, put myself thru college twice and kept my shit on par.

The hardest thing I find about sobriety is having to be honest with yourself. It’s easy to light up that joint and forget someone is an issue. It’s not so easy to have to deal with the raw emotions. That’s what I am dealing with now.

But I know that smoking isn’t gonna help. Shit i got weed in my bedroom now I could smoke but I know if I do my energy will be depleted, I’ll have no incentive to do anything besides sit on my couch and over eat. And I want more than what this life has to offer.

At first smoking weed was fun but after 25 years it became a chore. I got no enjoyment out of it…And now I just need to get thru the next 27 days so I can legit pass a piss test (for myself andbitll be the first time in my life I can pass a test without studying)…

I have no hard feelings towards the herb but damn it’s got my life sideways at the moment.

Thanks for listening to my ramble…


You are studying. The right way.



Was my foe for 22 years, kicked it to the curb 117 days ago. Start uni in a month at the age of 50, better late than never I say. Well done and good luck