May is a hard month

May is the hardest month for me because its mother’s day and my son is gone and it’s his birthday


I’m so sorry to hear this. I wish you the best right now through this month. Just hang in there. It’s only time and it will pass. :heart:

Thank you so much

That’s hard, I feel you :pensive: I’m a mother too.
But please keep going, drinking ore using only makes things worse.

I’m so sorry that you’re feeling this right now. Sending hugs to you. :pray:t2::two_hearts:

That must be so hard. We are here always, reach out when ur in need. Stay strong❤

Prayers :pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3: and sending you a big hug. :hugs:

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Im right their with u honey my mom passed away in october from cancer and this is will b the first mothers day and her first birthday without her…