Me relapsing, I don’t know how to work this yet

Hello. This is my second app, I relapsed twice really bad. Yeah that’s it for now I guess


Welcome Jenny and congratulations on restarting your sober journey! :partying_face:
There are some great threads on here that could help with early sobriety and hopefully prevent relapses. This one in particular is an excellent read:

The community is here for you, do let us know if/how we can help?


Welcome to Talking Sober Jenny. This place has been the difference between failure in the past and success now for me. Hope it can be for you too. Share, read, learn, support, get supported! Here we’re in it together and for me that has made all the difference. You’re not alone. Wishing you all success on your sober journey lady. Hugs.


Thank you so much for this!!! I was definitely in the pink cloud… will keep all of this in mind


Thank you so much! This feels welcoming, sending love & healing


Welcome @Jenny :sunflower:
Have a good read around and keep us posted how you are.
I like the gratitude thread very much, being grateful is such a powerful feeling. Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7 - #1460 by erntedank

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I really appreciate this, thank you. Sending healing !!!

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