Medication and alcohol

I can’t believe I’ve already made it to 15 days sober. And the crazy thing is I’m not even craving alcohol, I guess the wake up call I needed was when I went to see my psychiatrist and confessed to him that I think I may be an alcoholic but I’m taking Lithium which both mixed together is highly toxic and I could end up hospital or worse and something just clicked in my head. Especially that I have a 6 year old boy, I don’t want him growing up without his mummy. I’ve found drinking lemon water everyday a huge help, it helps to keep some of the cravings away and the rest is just hard bloody work and willpower. If you really want this you can do this…


Congrats on you maked a descission thats awesome @Sher stick to your choice and good things will happen.hold on to that Willpower!

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