Meditation for Serenity 2021-2024! (tips, tricks & discussion/ 3 years running woot!)

Ur post totally made me smile! :smiley: I must have missed this notification as i dont recall getting one for ur post here, so I apologize my response was soo late. But Im so glad u loved it!! I actually didnt do a meditation today. Will have to squeeze one in before bed. Hope ur night has been good!

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Did this quick but very effective meditation just now thru my fitbit app. I needed some grounding and i needed to lose some anxiety over being at work.
No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of anxiety can change the future. I need to stay present in this moment :heartpulse:


Sticking with this one for a second time. I got 4 mornings in a row of starting my day off with a meditation. I hope to continue.

No, I’m not starting a new counter :thinking:.
Yet :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


Woke up at 4 couldn’t sleep.

This was good. It didn’t put me to sleep but I was able to sleep after :pray::pray::pray:


I set an alarm on my phone for during the workday to take 2 five minute breaks and breathe with a brief meditation…… for today … May we be happy.

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I am on day 132 consecutive, I may have more if I counted my yoga practice and sunrises meditation in there. This is just using the app!!! I am proud.


Woke up at 5 and did this while I was still in bed. I love this mantra. :heartbeat:


Impressive streak you got there.
Atta girl.

I couldn’t sleep last night. Did this one.

It didn’t put me to sleep listening to it. Which is ok. But I slept great right after. And long.


I really like yoga Nidra, and so do you. Hahah
:woman_in_lotus_position: :man_in_lotus_position:

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I guess I do. When I search for something and see a yoga Nidra one I been using it. Like last night.


I was / am in AA for 4 years now but have kinda been letting it slip as I spend more and more time with Recovery Dharma …although for me I see the need for both programs for me… and working on healing trauma. But I was reading this and reminded what a beautiful meditation Just For Today is …

Just for Today I will try to live through this day only, not tackling my whole life problems at once. I can do something at this moment that would bother me if I felt that I had to keep it up for a lifetime.

Just for Today I will try to be happy realizing that my happiness does not depend on what others do or say, or what happens around me. Happiness is a result of being at peace with myself.

Just for Today I will try to adjust myself to what is and not force everything to adjust to my own desires. I will accept my family, friends, my business, my circumstances as they come.

Just for Today I will take care of my physical, intellectual, and spiritual health.

Just for Today I will do an act of service for someone else without being found out. If anyone finds out about it, it will not count. I will do at least one thing I do not want to do, and I will perform an act of love for my neighbor.

Just for Today I will try to go out of my way to be kind to someone I meet; I will be friendly and act appropriately, I will dress becomingly, talk low, be courteous and not critical, I will not try to control situations or other people.

Just for Today I will have a program. I may not follow it perfectly, but I will have it.

Just for Today I will stop saying, “if I had time.” I will never “find time” for anything. I will have to take time.

Just for Today I will make time to meditate and seek serenity, truth, and acceptance of myself and others.

Just for Today I shall be unafraid. Particularly, I shall be unafraid to be happy, to enjoy what is beautiful, and what is lovely in life.

Just for Today I will accept myself and live to the best of my ability.

Just for Today I choose to believe that I can live this one day.

May all of us be happy.


This was nice. :heart:

Have done this a couple nights in a row its magical. I love her meditations, she is the higher consciousness lady twinnie. :heart:


Since I apparently like Nidrā. :wink: And now I know how to pronounce it :blush:. I was looking for a short morning one. This didn’t say morning but it was a very nice way to start my day.

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Started my morning with this one.
Not sure if I like it or not. No background music. But it did work. She talked about the morning sunrise and sky a lot @Its_me_Stella and it was all body scan.

Without thinking I actually just tried to tag you as @twinnie :man_facepalming: :joy: :joy: :joy:


I’m grateful I didn’t waste any time last night in bed not sleeping. Read a chapter of my book and went right to this.

Worked perfectly. I was able to finish it. And then sleep well. I don’t remember it. But I know I was awake for it because I took my ear buds out to go to sleep.

Then this morning continuing my morning meditations with this little gem.



Tried something abit different today. A diff technique of breathe work. Its called Breath of Fire. First time doing it and I literally felt like my body had some sort of light vibration in it. Went on to mindfullness near the end. Those 15 min went by fast. Will definitly be trying this one again :slight_smile: Good way to start the morning!


What app is this on?

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i think i have the meditation in my Hinduism/ relegion in my small temple, but that’s temple is my big family have,

Everyday put some flowers and dupa at 4 four temple and then, ready for meditation like Lord of Shiva Sila Asana, i take inhale and exhale from the body and nose for 15 minutes my mind so like in the big temple and place be holy

Thanks for sharing

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Insight timer, its da :bomb: