Meditation from last night

Hey family. So every night I read hazeldon nightlight meditation book. It’s a nice way to end the day, helps me take a personal moral inventory , and just a cool way to come down from the excitement of the day and make me think. This was the one from last night… figured I’d share :woman_shrugging:t3::black_heart:


I just wish I could disconnect from the mind somehow, and my thoughts would cease to be for a while. It’s exhausting how it goes on and on never ending, especially when you’re not engaged in some activity. That train analogy describes perfectly. I figure it’s got something to do with energy, I mean the mind is powered by something, because when we’re ragged from some physical activity it’s easier to rest, and the mind settles down. Maybe I should meditate…

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Thanks for sharing, something we should all think about. Our own imagination can be one of our worst enimies. I know mine can be. As well it can be one of our greatest benefactors. If all of us here had not imagined that we could have a better life than we did,we would still be doing the same old things Talk about a double edged sword. Love how you find these thought provoking things to post.Great job @Purveyorofdoom0406.

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