" To all that is stressed in you
Let there come peace
To all that is dissatisfied in you
Let there come growth and transformation
To all that is dark in you
Let there come light to be cast on your shadows
To illuminate the path forward
To all that is angry in you
Let there come calmness to soothe your soul
To all that is heavy in you
Let there come a release of your burdens
To all that is downhearted in you
Let there come joy
To all that is broken in you
Let there come healing
To all that is wounded in you
Let there come mending
To all that is imperfect in you
Let there come compassion
To all that is flawed in you
Let there come grace
To all that is distracted in you
Let there come focus
To all that is painful in you
Let there come meaning and purpose
To all that is confused in you
Let there come clarity
To all that is lost in you
Let there come direction
To all that is fragmented in you
Let there come wholeness
To all that is unclear in you
Let there come understanding
And to all that is lonely in you
Let there come an abundance of love.
Words by Tahlia Hunter
Artwork, “Holding on” Catherine McMillan"
Most of my experience comes from my mistakes .
There are so many lovely lessons from Winnie the Pooh. I’m so grateful to have grown up with them.
This hit home…