Metal Thread (Part 1)

Shit. Good thing i saw them live at Summer Slaughter back in the day!

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Game changer back then :metal:t2:

The new solstafir, WTF, they must have eaten an islandic lion or something

At 4:30, i say SLAYER (in caps, obviously)


Blackbraid :blue_heart:

Have a nice day :metal:t2:




I guess, technically ('cause of genre labels and all of that B.S.), they’re post-metal; however, this album is a Masterpiece.


I think I need an explanation of this “however” :joy:

Saw them a few times back then in Paris. One time I was so drunk and high (and it was like 50C in the concert hall) I puked on someone’s feet who was in flip flop shoes. Damn I still remember it. That shame.
Anyway I still prefer early ISIS, it’s a lot heavier and nastier :smiling_imp:
They had troubles after the rise of the Isis terrorist group. I mean, I had one of their shirt that I couldn’t obviously wear anymore


I saw Isis in 2004, here in Portland, with These Arms Are Snakes (awesome show)


I saw them in 2006, at the Gorge Amphitheatre in George, WA, when they opened for TOOL (phenomenal show)!

and, finally,

I saw them in 2009, here in Portland, again (I can’t remember who played with them).


Very cool!
I’m not sure how many times I saw them, two or three times. Once with Zombi, another one with Oxbow, not sure about the third. These times are a bit blurry in my head

Me, too.

The 1st time I saw them, I vaguely remember being “just drunk” (that’s what I’d tell myself: “I’m ‘just drinkin’.” Y’know, 'cause it’s normal for people to get blacked out drunk and try to hurt people and destroy things :roll_eyes:).

The 2nd time, with Tool, I ate a bunch of Valium and drank…and, then, drove for 3 hours after the show. :man_facepalming:t3:

And the 3rd time, I was on heroin and then drove a cab for hours after the show. That’s how sick and insane I was: I drove people around while I was loaded and thought it was ok. And that I was cool. Ugh.

Thank. God. those days are gone.

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Those are useful memories, we shall keep them in mind as a reminder of how fucked up we were. That’s what I do.
Now I enjoy concerts as much as before, and I remember them


I know! I’ve been to hundreds upon hundreds of shows in my life but was really only there physically. Going to shows clean and sober and remembering the experience is much better.


Didn’t went as planed, right? Had a couple of frienda on that gig, too… :disappointed:

Yeah ! I’ve been to countless shows, a lot of them that I don’t even recall. Take only the Hellfest that I’ve been to like 14 times, hundreds of shows, a gigantic blur. What a waste!!

This one is on you, it’s your fault :grin:

AWESOME footage from 2002 :raised_hands:t2:


Noooo, what a disappointment. I had my friend from Holland over especially for this!
And you know, actually I got the tickets from my ex for this gig as a gift for my 1000 day sober celebration.
So we were there, the three of us, waiting and waiting… Until it didn’t happen!!!

And another curious fact. This friend from Holland and me tried to go once before to a Kreator concert, this was somewhere around 1997 or so ( we were teenagers). But this concert was moved location and we were not able to go…

What happened? They just didn’t show up?


Well, they were there. The support band had already played. But than there was some technical problem with the sound board that apparently could not be resolved.

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How frustrating!