Meth addition

I didn’t realize how hard it was to get away from meth. I lose a lot of things from doing meth my life went down a down hill slide real fast and I went back to jail in November like three days before Thanksgiving and that’s when I woke up realized that is this the life I want or do I want to be on the outside to be with my wife that was pregnant at the time and I started using meth at the age of 15 and I finally got clean on February 8th 2016 and im at the 6month mark and I’m happy to be clean. And I did a lot of dumb stuff while I was high. And if anyone wants to listen to a true song about meth look up hopsin Chris dolmeth


Welcome, thanks for sharing!
I know more then id like to admit about meth :frowning:
such an evil thing it can be…or rather such an evil thing we can make it to be.
you got a wake up call…but you answered the phone and opend your eyes to what was going on.
6 months is awsome! thats definitely a milestone to be proud of.
the way i kicked that addiction was to keep myself away from the people using it…out of sight, out of mind.
As much as i wanted to help a few of them when i was clean, because yeah, they were my friends!
I couldnt, they had to make that choice on their own, some of them did and we worked at staying clean together…a few of them never made that choice and sad to say I never saw them again.
But that was their choice and i had to make my own for the things that where important to me.
It seems like you have made that decision as well and it seems like your working hard to stay on course…keep up the good work!

Stay strong…Stay clean!


Great job on 6 months! That really is awesome. I was involved in meth for 5 or 6 years so i know a lil about its pull. @Rikk is right about the company you keep.
I kinda stumbled in here and found the people are awesome! They give great advice…coming from people who really do understand. Keep your head up! Glad you are here.



The hardest part of my recovery has been thinking about all of my good friends that are still using, but you are right. They have to make the decision on their own, the same as I did. Thank you for the helpful advice.

I am at 18 days, working on my 19th, and currently waiting for an opening in my chosen rehab facility. I wish everyone the best!


@samgrubb Great job on six months! I’ve never used meth but I know people who have and I’ve heard of how hard it is too quit. Be proud of yourself because from what I’ve heard that is a hard one to quit! Stay strong! You’ve got this! :slight_smile:

I liked that song.

I’m only 18 & I’ve been an addict for a year & I’m drained. I hope you can stay sober, I know you can!! & I hope I can finally start my life sober without relapse…


I been clean for 1 yrs and 2 months. And if u ever need someone to talk to call me at 6609886647


I love A man I’m sure I can still get him back if I stay of meth help me I’m 23 been on it since 18 I’m sure everything is gonna be ok :slight_smile:


Ab 3 years later & I’m just now seeing this. I hope you still get on here! I’ve been sober for about 600 days in total but yes 1 bad slip up I relapsed for a whole night but I forced myself to come down that same night… I’m still here & sober today :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve been trying and trying to get away from heroin and meth. I have the best support a guy can ask for. I was sober for 112 days the longest I’ve ever been clean since 15 yrs old I’m 36 now. I’m 8 days clean now and am optimistic about the future. I really truly want sobriety and my life depends on it. This site has helped tremendously :slight_smile:


I’m not new to this idea of sobtiety. It’s latest iteration is meth, started to make me amore alert drunk and taking over. I need support or I’m never going to get away fr.I’m my friends. I am saying this will be the last time, as I have since January 1st. I need to be sober and calm in 3 weeks for an important trip. Help!