Meth the devil

I’m gonna try this again. Soberity it’s such a scary word when you don’t wanna let the ones you love down with a relapse but it is also a rewarding word. It is all I wanna be, and have wanted for a very long time. In 2018 I was sober for the longest time since I was 16. It was only right under 6 months, but I remember how happy I was to wake up everyday. How easy it was to function and how much success I was building in life. I wanna make it forever this time starting tomorrow…


I want you to succeed. Why don’t you check in everyday to stay focused?


Welcome Elizabeth! We’re here with you. Keep checking in, browse around the threads, learn, share your journey. Looking forward to walking it with you :innocent:


Hi and welcome Elizabeth 🙋
You did it before so you can do it again!
Any idea why you relapsed after those 6 months? Think it over if you didn’t already. Learn from it so you can avoid it next time.
Only you can make this your last day one ever
It helped me to read here a lot and learn about my addiction (alcohol) and how to beat it. I also check in here every day to stay focussed.
Today I’m 525 days sober. Life is definitely easier now. I wish you the same, go get it! :facepunch: