Mexico trip!

Hi how long have u been soba? X do u really wanna drink on holiday and fuck up your clean time and recovery?


Your being stupid. Don’t drink!
4 months is solid, why spoil the hard work?


Yeah now you will definitely be expected to drink. I don’t think you should mess up your streak.

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I would tell your wife and friends to respect your decision to be sober and to help you to stay that way. Find out who your real friemds are.


You’re being stupid. Don’t drink!!!

You will regret it. I don’t know you but I can absolutely guarantee you will regret it. No drink will be worth throwing away the progress you’ve made :hugs:


So I can’t bring myself to call you stupid, even if you asked for it lol. But, I will ask you to think about it. What good could possibly come from you drinking on that trip?


You’re being stupid. Don’t drink.



But in all seriousness…why would you want to drink. Write down your reasons and then really think about them. Are those reasons really valid? Are they actually true? The real truth is that there is no good reason to drink. For everyone. The difference is that for normies they can drink and then go back to normal life…we can’t…one drink quickly becomes a life of hell all over again.


Sincerely, thank you for demonstrating the power and insidiousness of the alcoholic obsession. Denial, justification and rationalizing around drinking are hallmarks of our addiction mindset.

You’re not stupid. You are an alcoholic. Get thee to an AA meeting post haste.


I’m going on Vacation, it’s okay to do just one hit of cocaine.

I’m going on vacation, it’s okay to cheat on my wife.

I’m going on vacation, it’s okay to binge and purge.

I’m going on vacation, it’s okay to cut.

No matter how you frame it, an addict is an addict.


I wont call you names, Lord only knows I had thoughts in early sobriety that would be made fun of here. For me, looking back at alcohol it never really contributed anything good to any situation. Regret was probably the one thing that was always there when I drank.

At first I wished I could drink like a normal person, so I could have fun. I finally realized I am fun with out it.

Alcohol makes us think some really bizzare things. Drinking will taint any memory of this vacation with relapse and regrest.


This is your reply to someone on another post:
“Don’t underestimate yourself. I know how tricky it can be to stop, but the hard part doesn’t last forever. I tried to quit at least 50 times before I quit. I went to 4 rehabs and 3 detoxes. Please don’t give up.”

… Well then


You friends and family are thinking. Wow he has worked so hard certainly he should be rewarded with a few days to let lose. He can control it now.

I certainly have done this before a few relapses. Get a month or so under my belt and mention to my wife im thinking about drinking at the next get together to “gauge” her reaction. And when she said yes it was like my green light to get wasted .

Problem was it would take me months or years to get back on the sober track.

The real reward of staying sober is experiencing life with your newly sober eyes. Mexico will be a great new experience sober.


Yasss :raised_hands:

I had my sober holiday abroad last year and it was the best! Everything was new and exciting. I could drive places, get up early, make the most of the day, remember everything, no hangovers. Amazing!

Have you been to Mexico before?


Don’t drink… I am 4 &1/2 months sober, I am getting married in October at an all inclusive resort on a tropical island surrounded by family & friends who will be drinking… i had the same mental dilemma as you did. I toyed with the idea that maybe I should drink & take advantage of the all inclusive alcohol, I convinced myself that somehow it was like wasting the money I paid for the trip if I didnt take advantage of the all inclusive drinks… I toyed with the idea for weeks… then my brain sobered up, even though I havent drank in months, my brain still thinks like an alcoholic. But I realized that it was the opposite of how I thought it. If I did drink, I would surely drink too much. I would feel terribly sick the next day & miss out on at least 1 day of vacation bc of a hangover. Then, how much of my vacation would I really remember if I was drinking? Would I get so drunk that I wouldnt remember my own wedding? If I dont remember or enjoy my vacation bc I’m drunk or hungover, that is not taking advantage of all the money I paid for this vacation.

So my advice is to make yourself a list of all the reasons why your vacation would be much better if you dont drink.
Also do you really WANT to drink? Do you want to reset your clock? Do you really want to start over? Do you want to take the chance that you cant control it and fall off the deep end? And lastly, is any of that really worth it?



I heard Mexican jails are not fun at all. If you drink anything like I do jail is a very real possibility.


If its anything like Polish jails, they indeed suck

Another one here voting for no holiday drinking!

Waaaaaaaay back when I was married, my then husband got dry for 6 months. Then we went on holiday somewhere warm. He decided that because he could go 6 months without a drink, everything was cool, so he decided to have a bottle of Corona. The obsession came back with a vengeance and all he wanted to do was drink.

The holiday went downhill quickly, and within days there was police involvement. Very shortly after we returned home, I gave him an ultimatum of sobriety or our marriage; however, he was back in the firm grip of the booze and drugs and that was his choice. So we split and he had another 8 months of a downward spiral of self destruction before he got sober, with the help of a kind doctor who managed his detox, AA, and counselling.

That is where one light beer on a sunny holiday can take you. Stay strong, stay the course, and stay sober, my friend.


Please do not drink. Let everyone know that you are living a sober life. Stay sober and this will be the best holiday ever.