Middle of the night craving

I am 54 days sober and doing great! I haven’t had a ton of cravings and when I do I take action right away. Last night I woke up from a dead sleep wanting to drink. The urge was so strong, both emotionally and physically. I was able to go back to sleep but I am still disturbed by it. I don’t have the urge this morning but will be self aware throughout the day. I still feel very shook by this, even when I was drinking I never woke up in the night to drink. I don’t know why this is bothering me so much, especially since I didn’t drink.

Hi. I’m still getting cravings I’m on day 99. I have had this happen to me as well in the middle of the night. Just be kind to yourself. I feel I will always have these craving out of nowhere, its my condition. Don’t be hard on yourself like you said you didn’t drink. I’ve stopped trying to figure out why I have these and just accept it is part of my life now. Have a great day.

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