Milestone: Day 15

More than 2 weeks without a drop of alcohol, yay! It has been a bit more easy than expected, mental preparation was so important, else i’d been failing at the first 48h as always, i think. In any case, this is a small milestone, still.

I’m a bit scared about relapsing, because the little/big monster (as per Allen Carr books) can jump anytime, but i’m very happy right now.

This friday we have a birthday party including going to a disco, a bit scary at first, but already told the host that i quitted alcohol so please have soft drinks :smiley: (told him it was about getting fit, i don’t feel comfortable to tell anyone about the illness as they usually see us as bad people instead sick people).

I will post here the progress of my milestones… I have been drinking alcohol (basically beer) almost every day since 13 years ago, trying to stop almost every day, but i hated me that i was not able to stop.

Thank you very much for your messages. A lot of us doesn’t post messages, but reading you is one of the best and effective thing we can do to fight against addiction. THANKS :slight_smile:


@Lino this is an awesome forum .and congrats day 15 ! :slight_smile: any effort is a Milestone as i see it. You are not alone at this. Keep it up and good luck With the party. Stay sober stay happy

Day 18 now. Which means i went out for party and i stayed sober. Felt a bit strange but all good.

It is weird that people asks you “but why did you quit alcohol? are you ok? why would you do that?”.

Weird because people should ask instead… “why do you drink? why would you get drunk? are you ok?”. But they never ask that.


Just passed Day 15 as well! And, went to a house party Friday night and managed to ignore my cravings for a bottle of wine (or two); left the party after a few hours and was happily home sober, but also managed to have a fun time chatting with new people and eating good food. Who knew! Here’s to more parties & gatherings we will now remember!! :joy::clap:


That is great you hang tough and have a great time. Enjoy not having a hang over like everyone will. And you will remember the night crystal clear.

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Congrats With 15 days of sober too @kristymichelle well done

Hey Lino,

Great job on your 2 weeks! Just remember take it day by day and stay close, we are all here to help each other to stay sober!