Mini milestone which cane sooner than planned

Hi, everybody, my clean day is November 21st 2023. My goal was by the middle of 2024 to also stop smok in cussing. And what other bad habits are little character. Defects I had left is much as I could! Well. I have got my cigarettes so therefore I have let go of my drug of choice, My alcohol, My weed, My man of choice, And now tonight my cigarettes! I did not panic until I poured a cup of coffee. Ok, so when I’m drinking my coffee? What do I do with my other hand LOL funny but not funny. Please pray for me. I’m OK with it. I have to stop the cigarettes. I have COP d plus they will not do my surgery. If I don’t quit. Because I said I will not heal. I’m too supposed to have surgery on my wrist and arm. Hey, my wrist has been broken so September 18th. They have to break the bone into spades and replace it with part of my knee. Or a cadaver which I’m OK with. I’m OK with dropping everything. I’m just like it’s happened so fast.! I know God is got my back. And I want this and I got this. But please pay for me. Thank you. Everybody for being there. I love this community and I love how everyone helps everyone through thank you

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Wow @TinaT sounds like you got alot going on. It sounds like you have a positive attitude and can kick another bad habit so you can get your surgery. Rooting for you.

Theres a thread just for quitting smoking here Grumpy A-holes (quitting cigarettes/ nicotine products) - #2225 by TrustyBird