Misery loves company

Thanks again and my mom always told me there was something underneath the drinking meaning my state of mind. I’m actually in the process of finding some type of therapy that can help me with my feelings and emotions.
I just want to be happy again and definitely don’t see that with this guy so back to working on me to be a better me :blush:


I appreciate the honesty! And no he’s not my boys father and I felt like I left one bad situation to get in another. But I’m going to make the right choice for my sobriety and let him go. I just feel he isn’t going to stop and I’m not his doormat to be mean or rude whenever he’s not high or drunk. I deserve better :heart:


Exactly thanks :blush:


This is winner talk. I like it.


Hello and that’s funny you mention me bringing up the sobriety and all he said was well Jen if that’s what you want to do I support you but for me nope! So after that conversation I already was making the decision to leave. I already have two boys I don’t need another so time to focus on me and my sobriety :raised_hands:


Well said and I appreciate it.
Plus I want my boys to see me happy not stressed or sad all the time.
Time to focus on myself :heart:


I hope that you and your boyfriend or ex, both get sober. He left you at the restaurant, I can relate to that behavior. That’s how I use to be. The drugs were more important then anything and when I needed them I went to them despite anything that was going on. It sucks when your life depends on your next fix or drink. Next week I’ll have a year clean and sober but it didn’t come easy I had to put everything I thought would fix me to the side and accept I couldn’t get sober on my own. I lacked that power. I found that power in A.A and that power was really letting go of so much bull shit I was carrying around. Like I said I hope both of you get sober. We do recovery


I’m very happy to read this. You go girl and stick to your guns and take it slow and watch out for yourself. :kiss::muscle::blue_heart:


I appreciate that and yeah I couldn’t explain why he always was so irritated or he was always in a bad mood. Then one day I asked and he said he did drugs but not everyday. But even if I’m not doing the drugs I can feel the effect because he wants me to be up with him all night or be out drinking and I can’t. It took its toll on me emotionally and mentally. I haven’t seen or talked to him since the night we had dinner so I guessing it’s for the best. Much needed space is what we need and I’m going to stick to focusing more on me and sobriety :raised_hands:


Amen to that, well I’m proud your able to make strong and positive decisions. “Way to go”. It sucks when you have to let close relationships go but in the long run it will make you stronger and more responsible. Awsome

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How’re you doing @Jennifer1?

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Great to hear :muscle::tulip:

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Hey Donna I’m doing a lot better today.
My boyfriend was trying to go to dinner and I told him no, I was busy. I haven’t even had the urge to drink or expose myself to any alcohol too. Thanks for asking I appreciate it :heart:




You shouldn’t even call him your boyfriend ! You should just get rid of his number!:heart::heart: he is no good for you, your family, or your future! Believe I know. It will get worse than just leaving you at the restaurant. A real man would never do that. Life goes on. Being single isn’t that bad. Being in a toxic relationship that leaves you feeling lonely and hurt is worse! I hope you have a good weekend!


Love yourself, do it for yourself and God will put the right pieces there for you trust me