You ever make a mistake while intoxicated or under the influence? Something you only meant to do because you were not yourself. but after you sobered up you realized what you did, even tho at the time you did it, you really had no control of your actions…something no apology could fix, with no way of taking it back or doing it over another way. Retracing what steps you could remember only to find that there’s nothing you can do now to change what’s been done. Now only left with having to live with your mistake every day like some bad dream you can not wake up from. Even tho the people closest to you who where affected by your mistake say they forgive you still live with the nightmare you created on a daily basis, and when they remind you of the pain you’ve caused all you can do is sit silently and try and bury yourself inside yourself. Have you ever made a mistake under the influence?
Too many to count
Although I can personally say that I was always in control of my actions. The heroin just made it easier for me not to care about the consequences.
There were times i know i was in control but then there where other times it was like watching myself from the outside with no control of what i was doing…basically what scared me into sobriety this time.
@Rikk That does sound frightening…
I can relate to feeling like you were watching yourself from the outside. Watching a monster…
When it comes to cleaning up the past I start by asking my God to forgive me, and then if possible I at least try to make sincere amends. Its ok if some people can’t forgive or forget the shit we pulled. But I know I’m learning every day to forgive myself.
time & time again;mistake after mistake all caused by drink
Too many I guess. The most important one, drinking and driving. Banging cars and only realize in the morning. Luckily nobody ever got harmed…
I totally understand. When I was still using XTC, even when I was not under influence I often asked my Friend to pinch me in the arm because I was not sure anymore if I was alive or not. Like the world was there and my body was there, but I wasn’t. Thi started after a bad trip, where I could hear my Friends saying, talk to her. But I could no longer react. Afterwards they told me my eyes were open, but they could only see the white of my eyes. They were all too far gone to really help me. There’s so many things from that period I cannot even remember how I got home. Scary but grateful at the same time to have the luck I ended up wel then. Day 11 and very hopeful
I’ve had some very similar experiences while on LSD… Had to go to the hospital once because i had convinced myself that i had died and gone to hell, and all the nurses and doctors were demons.
Lost count of how many all because of drinking…have ruined friendships, relationships etc. Now that I’m sober I realize it wasn’t worth it and if I had the opportunity take back every mistake I made because of drinking I would do it in a heartbeat.
Some mistakes I’m glad i made, as bad as they where, as much as they hurt…if not for making them i might not have woken up to what a mess i was or what a mess i was making with my life.
The last mistake i made while intoxicated was one that i swore i would never make but yet i did it anyway…and unfortunately it’s what it took for me too have to come to grips with the fact that i was taking things too far while drunk. I’m just thankful it didn’t take killing anyone or killing myself for me to learn enough was enough.
I agree I think you need to fuck up so badly & hit rock bottom to realise ‘I’ve gotta problem here’ it is painful & the guilt remorse etc eats away at u; but ultimately I believe u need to reach that low to realise u need & want to do something about it;for me I think it’s helping towards my sobriety. Have a good day or night my friends wherever in the world u maybe!
Using Tinder or other dating apps while married. Never met anyone but texted a lot.
Hi I’m Vicky and new on this site well I was that drunk last weekend I had an argument with my (now ex) boyfriend and went on a rampage smashing his house up including a photo of his deceased dad which is the lowest of the low I also smashed his car up and I’m covered in bruises from head to toe off him trying to stop me. Can hardly remember doing it. Now I have to pay for the damage and lost the love of my life its disgusting
Bad bad trip that volatile. I once had Freddy Kruger chasing me around whilst I was on acid … scary
Lol yeah it was pretty nightmarish !
Been there before I destroyed my boyfriends house
Worst thing I’ve probably done is driving while drunk. A lot of times. Feel ashamed about it every day, which I hope will deter me from it for life.
Too many, being a blackout drinker I dont remember a lot. 3 that come to mind are picking up a hooker, trying to kill myself and getting my second dui. I have never done either before or after that time. The whiskey was driving and I was going wherever it wanted.
Collapsing drunk in the street and being bought home by police wasn’t a highpoint I must say.
Vomiting in a posh bar over a white sofa
Vomiting over my best dress
Telling secrets that weren’t mine to tell
Ruining my best mates baby shower
Ruining many a special occasion
Lost many possessions
And about a million more things, none of which I meant to do.
Urghhh this is horrible to think about. All the people I’ve let down