Money saved / Debts paid off

Curious how much the financial side of life improved for everyone that has eliminated alcohol.
Apart from the purchase of alcohol, do you find that you spend less in general? Eating out less ect, were able to pay off cards and more?
Perhaps new job opportunities. Maybe saved up and bought a car?
More less just overall finances.

I don’t have to commit crime to get money anymore. Big benefit for society as well lol


Haha. Well that’s good!

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Lol can I just say that I love how honest you are :joy:


To answer your question, one of my apps tracks how much money I’ve saved since becoming sober. I have a full 5 days of sobriety, today is the 6th day (once I make it to midnight), so far, I’ve said $80…that’s a low estimate because I was too embarrassed to actually look at my credit card statements…lol but you get the point


I use an app too and after 69 days I have not spent close to $3000. Pretty amazing really. I feel a yr of being sober would almost set me debt free and that alone could be enough motivation to continue the sober lifestyle.


Wow, that’s amazing! I’m definitely going to focus on paying off my debt…as I have a ton. It sounds like you’re on an amazing path though!

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Thank you.
Really unbelieveable what I have wasted over the yrs…
But moving forward I have some hope now. (:

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Well all my bills are paid on time now. No more shut off warnings, no more eviction notices, bought another car. Debts… I’ll work on those lol. Been spending money on things for the kids, my car stereo and stuff the wifey likes.

Not going into the negative for weeks on end is a great side effect of my sobriety.


It absolutely is unbelievable. My ex fiancé and I used to almost drink 1.5 L a night between the two of us…that was a highly expensive 18 months haha not to mention the mixers and all that fun stuff…I’m happy now sipping on my occasional soda and drinking mostly water :hugs:


Bills being paid on time is always a nice feature…it’s been nice seeing my credit score continuously improve! Yay for the small improvements!


I can tell you approximately how much i spent during my 15 years of addiction.

It has to be close to $500,000


Its scary the money you saved not just on buying alcohol but the needless purchases you buy because of alcohol.

I would think nothing of spending a small fortune on eating out, drink, food more drink, when all I really wanted was to get drunk. I could do that at home for £10.

Day after I’d feel like shit, guilt ridden so I’d end up spending a fortune on my daughter for no reason then more food because I could be bothered cooking and more alcohol to get rid of the shakes. What a ridiculous insane mental cycle. On average I was spending around £500 a week on crap which all revolved around my alcoholism.

Fart forward and now I spend very little. Not because I’m a tight arse but because I have no need to. 99% of my meals are fresh and home cooked and I only really leave the house to go to work, the gym or to see friends and family. A day out for me now consists of parks, hikes and bike rides. I pack to lunches for me and my daughter and off we go.

From £2000 a month on shit to around £150 is a message a jump and allows me to save, save for my daughter and give people things I would never have done before. I think nothing now of spending £50 on food at a supermarket and delivering it to the guys who fees the homeless in the City centre at the night time. I find I am able to give back more.


This was an estimated from twice a week drinking that I was doing when I finally quit. I used to be 7 days a week. :nauseated_face::face_vomiting:
Also, once I quit drinking, I found out I am bipolar.
Now I am medicated for that, and am not spending impulsively. About 17 months in now. We will be debt free in a couple of weeks. .


Thread necromancy.

It’s somehow funny to me that the money savings thing caught my attention when I installed the app, and now I completely forget it’s there.

Looking today I noticed I’m saving enough that by not drinking I make my car payments plus extra.

And I make double payments. :open_mouth:


I wasn’t drinking heavily in my last couple of years before quitting so I estimate my savings is only $3 a day. That’s still $1866.00. Looking forward to hitting 2k savings.

I am spending about 10k renovating my house right now.