Mornings are hard as F

Mornings are hard as F. I’m new here and I want to end this weed addiction… It’s hard for me to pass a morning without vaping anything… :pensive: I feel so ashamed.


Don’t feel ashamed your suffering from addiction as are we all, we are all in this together. Maybe use the search function at the top to search out threads on stopping smoking weed for some tips etc.
Welcome to the forum/community. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::+1::slightly_smiling_face:


Hello and welcome please don’t feel ashamed your here trying you best to get help and that’s the first step in the right direction. Please keep reading and reaching out on here were all here to help eachother through our recovery x good luck x


Thank you :slightly_smiling_face:

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Thank you Natnat🙂

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Welcome, I am glad you are here. Spend some time reading and learning about what has and hasn’t worked for others - there are a lot of valuable resources here. You are in the right place. :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your kind words.

That step I am taking is huge for me. I’m alone in this and that group will definitely help.


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The wonderful thing about this place and other resources (some places have Marijuana Anonymous meetings) is to learn that we are not alone as we fight our own battles. Welcome and keep coming back.


I Spent the vast majority of the last decade stoned. I self medicated for my depression and social anxiety. Turns out, I’m just a sex addict and not a doctor…even though my ego would tell you that I’m smarter than anyone else.

It’s hard sitting with our feelings. It’s even harder for me to identify where those feelings are coming from most days. But if I don’t try, I’ll never learn. It’s nice to feel comfortable but that’s not where progress is made. I’ve gotta find a new normal and get comfortable with being uncomfortable.


Thanks for your words! Those feelings are just so intense though… I understand what you are saying.The past year I have been putting myself in dangerous situations just to make myself feel again…
Wow… “Les tables ont tournées” like we say in french. I guess admitting to myself all of this is the first step…!
Have a great day and thank you!