Moving update

After a stressful week… I am all moved into my new place and just got a bed set up today. Ordered a bunch of stuff to make it really feel like my space. I’m so excited. I haven’t had my own space I’ve decorated since I was sexually assaulted by my best friends father. I think it triggered that memory so I cried yesterday and today about it, accumulating with stress but I’m over it now. It’s been years since I’ve had a nice space and it’s mind blowing to realize how long I just slummed around not giving a shit about my space because I was out getting fucked up all the time and putting myself in dangerous situations. This truly is a new chapter.
I’m currently laying in bed watching Greys anatomy and it will be my first sleep here. Really excited.
Now to work on my recovery program which I’ve completely fallen off of…


The things we are able to have due to sobriety is awesome. Since I’ve always had a place (room) to call my own, before the Army, during and after, I’ve never had to experience “couch hopping”. Through sharing you struggles with us, I’m more grateful for the things in my life that I have taken for granted. Congratulations on having a space of your own.


Oh wow so exciting! And you got the bed sorted and everything. Your own place :woman_cartwheeling::pray::white_flower:


While working a program takes, well… work… I gotta hand it to you, @Fj007. Just pushing through that kind of pent up emotion and getting on with building something happy and humble and new? That’s fucking beautiful and a program in action itself.

The amount of ass you’re kicking is inspiring! :heart:


I wish you the peace and harmony that you deserve fj. And may your new home provide you with comfort and tranquility for a long time to come. Congrats on this great accomplishment!


I wish you a house you can call home :heart:
When you read this you have woke up in it, hope it felt great!
A new start!! :facepunch:

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Yay! I’m so happy you’re happy! Enjoy your new space!

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This is just so heart warming to read :blush: I’m so happy for you and all that you have achieved


I hope this new place becomes a sanctuary where you rest and feel safe and sound. Thanks for sharing :pray:t4::raised_hands:t5:

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This just made my morning. I am so happy for you!


This is so exciting! I know it will take some adjustment, but I also know that this is one of the great things that come with all the hard work you’ve put in.

I feel like getting into this place and getting through everything to get here is all a part of working on your recovery. It may be indirect, but still working on it. Hopefully you feel safe in your new world and are able to focus more on your program.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you are one of the strongest sober warriors I’ve had the pleasure of knowing. Never give up my friend!


Now this is more like the person we know. Well done you. There is nothing like your own space. To fill with what you want, and make look how you want.
Or so they tell me, I’ve not done the solo living bit, but I do have my garage. And I will have a music room as soon as I can build it.
No, seriously, well done! So happy for you.:grinning:


This is a huge opportunity to move from a stage of grief to one of repair. I loved the repair stage when I’ve experienced it. Very happy for you. Enjoy!

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Thank you all so much!! My bed is so comfortable. I’m sleeping so well, and I’ve been waking up early the last couple days.
I signed a year lease today and it’s a really big deal for me because it’s the first time I’ve been able to commit to something in a long time. It all feels so wild to me. But it feels good.
I’m in utter disbelief at the rollercoaster I’ve been on.
I’m going to fully appreciate the up right now


This is great news. I am very happy for you😍

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