Music therapy1

Whenever i feel like im having a bad day or sad or depressed i listen to music. Does everyone do the same thing. I think music is good for the soul. I havent even been in oxford long and its over whelming and already this house has alot of drama. I try to stick to myself. To avoid the drama.


Yes music helps my soul. I’ve got to have Playlist for everything I do:

  • housework
  • pissed at the world
  • washing my car
  • gym time
    I feel like that movie Baby Driver lol

Sorry about the drama in your house. What’s ur fav genre?

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I always do! Music is the best. I especially like music that makes me feel emotions more intensely, even if they are feelings of sadness. Music is great for relieving stress.

Also, sorry to hear that you are so stressed out. :purple_heart:

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I like all sorts of music. Here lately i been listening to jelly roll and tom mcdonald. Love there music.

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Sort of heard of jelly roll. What song should I listen to of Tom Mc?

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Sober bad news blame the rappers i wish i dont drink. Hw has spme good music jelly roll listen to train tracks save me i need u

I do this to. I’ve got Playlist for everything, and every occasion or holiday or sunny day, hard day, springtime, yeah you name it.

I actually went to a treatment center where it was music based recovery.

At first I thought no way this works, but alas at least I’ll have fun. It was phenomenal

I always viewed my guitar playing as a means to profit. Never viewed it as a therapeutic outlet. Yet it changed my relationship with music and my talents as a whole.

I’m a multi instrumentalist, and write alot of interesting guitar focused music, (YouTube Joe Satriani) to get a understanding. I dont write for money, I write and perform now for an outlet, making money is a side effect