My 30 days sober today!

Today I am celebrating my 30 days sober! I can’t believe I made it! 31 days ago today, I was high on heroin and pain pills.
Here is my story…

15 years ago, I have both to a beautiful baby boy. 3 days later, I left the hospital with him and a prescription fur Vicodin 75’s. I was getting then while in the hospital, but they were controlling them. Well, my first day home, I took 2. The feeling was incredible! I felt like I could conquer the world. I was instantly hooked. I ate them day, and asked for refills. When the ob quit prescribing them, I went to my family Dr. and dashed a knee and back injury. Over the next 6 years, my tolerance built. Buy February 2007, I was taking 40 Norco 10mg a day, plus 10mg methadone a day. I was lying, stealing and cheating. I ruined an 8 year relationship. I went to rehab March of that year and was there for 13 days. I was sober for 5 years. I worked the program and the steps. Then I stopped. I thought I was good and could do it on my own. Boy was I wrong. June 28th, 2012 I took my first pain pill in 5 years and it was over. I was back to doing the same things as before, but this time it was oxys, roxis, and methadone. One day in December 2015, I couldn’t find any pain pills. So I called my brother and he brought over some heroin. I did a line and was instantly in love. I wonder why I had never did this before. It was worse than my pain pill addiction. I spent most of my day looking for ways to get high. I wasn’t sending time with my family anymore. I was isolating. I was no longer getting high fit the fun of it, I was getting high so I would be sick. I was so depressed. I had thought about suicide. Then August 30th. I told my family everything. That I needed help. So I called Fairbanks in Indianapolis, Indiana and got a bed. It was the best decision of my life! I an in a sober living community, I an about to graduate from PHP and start IOP! And today I am 30 days clean and sober and it feels great!!


Wow!! well done to you :hugs: