My addiction. What's yours?

Hello beautiful people :smile:,
I’m new here and my addiction is self harm.
I’ve been doing it for 3 years, thinking I had everything under control.
I’m seeing a therapist now and trying to get better.
I wish everyone a lovely weekend.
And one more question to everyone:
Which addiction are you fighting ?
xx K❤


Alcoholism. Its my first day but I’m determined to stop. Im glad you decided to get help and kick this habit. Self-harm is something not a lot of people see as an addiction. My friend hung himself because he could not deal with this, and it escalated before anyone realized what was going on. Stay strong!


Oh no, that sounds terrible… But stay strong yourself! And thank you for your support!

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My addiction is beer and marijuana
been fighting my demonds for 14 years. I have 4 hours sober at the moment after a 3 day sobriety run. Im going to aa this afternoon. I highly suggest aa if you need to ever reach out. The " old timers" are smart and extremely wise. Get to aa and youll see or deff reach out to someone if ever needed. I reached out to a old timer lastnight while I was drunk. I said so.e real stupid things that make no sence such as, ill go to aa only if I can experience my addiction myself. She said keep comming to aa. Lol like wtf was I thinking. Im going to keep my word and go this afternoon. Being clean from addiction isnt scary. Its a big hearted full of hope and good people kinda thing. I love good hearted people I love myself I love god. Nothing will ever change that. God bless you guys.


My addiction’s are Heroin, meth, crack, and sex. And even tho I have been able to scrape together 52 days this time, I fear that I am doing this all in vein. I fear that I will not only relapse yet again, but that I will fail to beat these demons and I will end up living the rest of my day’s in this continual cycle for the rest of my crappy life. Is long term recovery possible for all addicts that want it. Or are some of us to bad off to ever fully recover?


Mine is/was alcohol. But right now on day 17 my addiction is self pity, resentfulness and anger at everyone!!!

But I know these mood swings, by tomorrow I’ll be happy as a pig in shi… I mean mud!

I’ll beat the moods and the drink.

Good luck!


watching Porn. An 8 year old addiction. i use it to numb my feelings to run away from responsibilities. Whenever i get stressed or a bad day i use it. I am on 117 hours sober now.


Alcoholic here. But have been fighting the good fight and havnt had a drink since Dec. 1 of last year.


Nothing else does it for me.

My slow death of choice is alcohol. :expressionless:


Alcoholic! I love my wine! I’m 20 days sober today! I feel very good and sleeping better than I have in years!


I’m a everythingHolic. Mainly alcohol tho. Looking back now on my 20 years of addiction, it all involved alcohol. If I wasn’t drinking I would have never started doing meth or pills or heroin again.
Alcohol is my achilis heal.

Years clean off the drugs and 209 days from booze :grin:


Alcohol. In fact red wine. But I would drink the white wine if neccasary :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: and beer (if in the fridge for visitors).


Initially, I am/was an opiate addict, now over 10yrs clean from pills. Then that sneaky wench alcohol/binge drinking became real prevalent in the past couple years😕 26 days sober today and loving it❤


Alcohol mainly but I’ll use anything to alter my mind. 59 days clean today


Oh snap! Big 60 tomorrow😁


Today is my first day on this forum and i am finding it extremely helpful reading everyones stories. I finally feel like im not alone in this fight. I have been drinking for years and has been at its worst over the last few months. Typically i would drink 10 beers every night, the other night it was almost a full bottle of vodka and had to go to work the next day. Its so miserable


My addiction is alcohol.Beers, white wine, red wine and spirits. Drinking mostly in that order as well, i don’t know why, but it seemed right. 94 days sober :upside_down_face:

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Alcohol and cigarettes. Day 2 :blush:


Alcohol and self harm. I tend to do it more when drunk. It got really.bad earlier this week and I ended up in the hospital handcuffed to a cot, with 2 cops sitting there guarding me and a bunch of stitches in my arms. I had wrecked my glass cabinets and covered my house in blood. I managed to avoid psych but that was rock bottom. I’m working through withdrawal and going to meetings. It’s hell but I just keep looking at those stitches when I want to drink or cut. 48 hours going for 49.


Beer. If i drink one beer i cant get enough until i wake up the next day with no memory of the day before.

Pretty sure my memory has been permanently damaged beyond all repair. And thats why i decided i had to stop smoking. Haha jkjk… drinking. Stop drinking.