My check in. Twice daily. Accountability

Missed last nights check in.

Hope all is well.

Im feeling good tonight. Negating negative thoughts. Noting old behavior. Surrounding myself with good. Work. Lists. Goals. Small goals daily.

Feeling strong.

Thanks to all on this app. You’re real. Im real. This is real. Addiction is real.

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Checkin in.


Back at work.

Not hung over not coming down not hiding or shying away.

Feeling fuvking good

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Feet up. Winding down. Reflection on the past days, finding strength through being proud



One day at a time.

One Friday at a time.

Stay focused stay on track.

When negative thinking at arises. Step. Take a moment. Breath.

In feeling a liytle anxious seeing its Friday.

I can say no. I’ve said no’ there is power in no


Checkin in. Working in the am again. I uswd to do this fuct. Accountability. Responsibility towards team mates.

My ex gf hurt me today. Ut hurt so bad i felt like using.

I didn’t. Im stronger than that .

I reached out to a sponsor too.

Im going to bed sober.

As angry amd hurt as i am i will not let there actions pish me over

Keep up the good work! Im just starting today.

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It works if you work it as they say in tje rooms. It helps. Thanks. Amd good luck on your journey.

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End of day checking in. Feeling shit. Hard day at work. But fun. Works help with not using. I uaed to get high after work. I feelwl like it now. Im checking in. Stay sober stay focused. Just for today im not using


Am Check in.

Waking up to cold weather is beautiful. Im not hungover. Im not going up or down. Im just chil.

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Pm check in.

Today was tough

My body amd mind yearned. I craved.

I stood strong. Used my tools. Accountability. I have a responsibility to myself and to others.

Sobriety. I played the movie through. Using always has the same ending and its bad.

Sleep well all.

Monday is brewing.


Checkin in #1

First meeting of the day

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My ex gf hurt me today. Ut hurt so bad i felt like using.

I didn’t. Im stronger than that .

I reached out to a sponsor too.

Im going to bed sober.

As angry amd hurt as i am i will not let there actions pish me over


Well done :+1: you’ve proved just how strong you are :heart:

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No relationship is worth messing yourself up. Hang in and keep fighting. :+1:strong text

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Checkin in

Still sober.

If i was using i woukd not have been able to deal with all the emotions. Dont knkw what would of happened.

Stay focused stay stay clean


Slwep well all


Slipping up on check ins.

Pm check in.

Going to bed.

Keep on keeping on with yoir checkings

Perseverance and gritt. See the task through


Am check in

Just stay calm. Its weekend. Stay focused. Reach out of it gets difficult


Keep checking in no matter what

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Checkin in.

Feeling weak.

Feel like my while world has imploded. My (recent) ex is in a relationship with a friend.

I dont know why it hurts so bad.

All i can think about is using.

Ruan : you are better and bigger than both of them. Using will make you weaker and amplify your emotions. A vicious circle of abuse will ensue. Stay clean. You can. You want to.

Accept the things y I u cannot change.

Love yourself


So sorry you’re hurting, hugs my friend. Stay strong, you are worthy of a good and sober life! :heart:

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