So I’ve always been an upbeat, outgoing, full of life, energetic person, in June of 2016 that changed, my best friend and I tried cocaine and haven’t stopped since, sadly I see the damage done whereas my friend uses that for an excuse to continue using, I don’t want to use anymore, I want to rebuild my life, I do believe we all go through things for a reason, and I know I can overcome this, I just need help, I’ve finally poured out my confessions of my use to my significant other, and watched him fall to pieces, I hope this is a start to a new beginning for me, I don’t want to lose my family. I’ve hurt them so much already. Please help keep me focused you guys, I don’t know what else to do. Much love everyone, and never give up.
thank you for sharing your story @Jmacn123 you do deserve the best way to live your life fully. Without the cocaine . You should be Proud of your choice. Try stay positive and try let the past go . Focus on what you want in life . I do wish u the best. You are the most important in your life . This forum is a good way to went and its so much support here as well
You’re absolutely amazing and so kind thank you so much for being there for me. I’m so emotional right now, I know the intensity will dwindle as the days pass but in the meantime holy smokes lol it’s as if it’s the teenage years cry, laugh, cry, laugh.
You would do the same for me without a doubt.thats how it works . You should not feel bad about your feelings that Who you are and thats pure. But control your actions right because of it and try not use again . Have hope , hold on to your willingness
Stay strong! Check in often for support. You’ve got this as we all need support. Try getting centered and treating yourself as the queen you are. Be good to yourself with exercise, soothing tea, sleep and fresh healthy food. Start from the inside out it will lift your spirits!