My first real try

Hi. I am not sure how to do this but here goes. My name is Chase I am 35 years old. I have been using meth since i was 14. The only two times I quit was not willingly both were do to incarceration. The second time I got out of prison I stayed clean for 6 years until I got off parole. Then well lets just say that I got in deep this last year my best friend got indicted and I realized that I was next if I didnt change my ways. The last time I got out of prison in 2012 I promised my kids they would never have to visit me like that again. I broke down when everything in life finally started falling apart. I have been clean for 13 days now and I aint gonna lie I am struggling. It wasn’t just the drug that I was addicted to it was the power and the lifestyle. Now I feel like I am all alone. My girlfriend who has never used stood by me through all the hell I drug her through and Inam bessed to have her but she dont understad the fight I keep having with my self. I know I can do this like my homeboy told me the other day I can handle anything I have always been a solider


My husband didn’t understand AT ALL because he isn’t an addict. He is learning a bit now. But, in the beginning for me I had to speak with people who had been through it or were going through it as well. People who aren’t addicts just don’t get it or understand it. It’s not their fault at all. I would seek outside advice. Even being on these apps help me tremendously!


Thats exactly why i found this app.

I have done na and i have a huge problem talking in a room full of people so it wasnt for me. I can share all day like this when i dont have to face people but in person i clam up

Read some literature if you have any… Na literature… Read some hope and inspiration to stay clean another day :+1:

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I really like NA literature bc it’s slightly more modern than AA but is basically the same message.

It is. Nowadays for me it’s the blue book!

I dont have any literature on hand but I think I will look online and see if I cam find something

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Continuing the discussion from NA Just For Today:

I like that

Thank you i will check it out