My helpful habit tracking app

I’ve been teaching my drinking for a couple years now. I started when I was denying I had a problem. Even seeing it and I was still somehow not seeing it.

This app is called HabitHub.
Green: No drink
Blue: Less than two
Red: More than two


Looks like 2019 is a great year to get sober :blush:


Working so far lol. I can’t believe all of the red. I don’t even know how my body was processing all of that. I was steady in the gym the entire time too, that probably helped minimize the damage.


I think the only thing worse than knowing that I was drinking so much, is if I had the nerve to figure out how much I was spending… Geez.


Looks like August 2016 you turned a sharp corner or is that when gave up trying before?

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for me it wouldnt be a good tool, id see alot of green one month then mess up a month because id think itf be okay because i had a good last month…

Hopefully it works well for you, all the best.

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Well not to sound like a bro, but get ready for some major gainz if you keep hitting the gym lol


Stopped drinking I’m May 2016 because a girl I was dating called me out and didn’t want to hang out anymore.

Then the first couple drinks back was when my grandma died. I thought I could handle it but… I didn’t miss a day at the gym during those greens lol

Haha, thanks bro!

Or, change the color code?


That’s funny you say that because I was worried about that too. But what ended up happening, is that when I got serious and got a couple greens under my belt I didn’t want to drink, not because I didn’t want drink, but because it became a game and I wanted to keep winning lol

Join the club!

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It really should be called CDO, in alphabetical order…


There is someone else in this forum who made the same comment. You are in trouble.

What are you going to do about it?

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How’s your tracking going for January?

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Just downloaded. Thank you!

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Hanging in there. A little worried about caving in a couple weeks when I surprise visit a good friend. Feeling that internal negotiation going on in my head “you will be fine, you earned a weekend away from sobriety” lol.

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Oh good! Start preparing now and you’ll be good. We can’t let alcohol control us. That’s my biggest issue right now with of few of my bad habits, they’re controlling my life. Time to tackle the things holding me back.

Happy to see you around!

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It feels like it’s been forever lol. I’m trying to get over the perfectionist part that doesn’t want to break my streak. Id like to be able to chill and toss a few back when I see my friends, but I don’t want that weekend to turn into a few months. I’ve also got a new client that’s about to pay and I suffer from what I call premature celebration haha. So easy to drink when there is money in the bank, even when I haven’t started the work.

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How are you tackling your bad habits?