My life summary

Day 2 sober . I am a successful career person with many blessings and strong Christian faith … but alcohol acts as my friend when I am stressed , depressed , or alone. Trying again to break this cycle .


I am also Christian, I believed in God and pray for not to drink. I am achieving it, but it is difficult. When I was drinking I used to think that Lord has left me. Even I also have many blessings: wife, job, health (in spite of having drunk).

What it is currently working for me is:

  • Just thinking in today, not to think I am going to give up drinking for the rest of my life.
  • Of course, I am not trying to moderate. I have not to drink a drop of alcohol.
  • “Put the movie forward on”. I mean, think what it will happen if I drink, have a relation of all the disasters are going to happen if I drink: Quarrels, hang over, depression,…, depression in my case is the worst one.
  • Remember the past but not to regret a lot. Past is past, God has forgiven me and I do not have to ask for forgiven again. Lord is merciful. He/She knows what I have done.

I asure you you will have still more blessings if you do not think, apart for not having many problems.

Best luck, welcome aboard.



You are probably familiar with the saying about faith without works. In the case of alcohol and drugs, there is specific work to be done, and some questions about faith and doubt to be answered, and none of it will undermine your core belief. The work of sobriety will make your faith stronger and easier.

For today, you can make and meet the goal of putting a sober head on your pillow tonight. Here are some threads about how people get and stay sober.

Blessings on your house :pray: as you begin your journey.