My name is Erica and I am an alcoholic

I can relate so much to your share. I am 25. I have self esteem issues, and have attempted suicide. But I knew it wasn’t my time. I know I want to live. I have 40 days again, as this is my 4th time in the Program and I have 2 feet planted firmly. Every day is a journey and I am embrace it. You aren’t alone. I am here to support you although I don’t know you. Stay strong Erica


Thank you so much for the support ((: it’s time to truly live and love life. I have wasted so much of it already congratulations on your sobriety!

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Anything I can do to help! Stay close to AA meetings, go every day no matter what. There’s a miracle that happens in those rooms that I can’t explain :heart:

I was going every day but now with my new schedule I can only go on the weekends)): I loved going. I’m going to have to look into other places