My Photography as Therapy

I was inspired by @Rikk to post some my photography… So here goes. Please be kind.

I have so much more to share on my Facebook profile… I will post the link asap. I hope you enjoyed my work. :sweat:

Log in to Facebook to view the rest of my portfolio;


Now that’s talent…what kind of camera are u using?

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At first it was just a simple point and shoot, but then i pawned it for heroin. :frowning: so now i just use my camera phone

Thank you hun :slight_smile:

Must have a good camera on your phone!
Definitley inspiring…mind if i post some I’ve taken?
Mostly scenery of the mountains

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Amazing really talented hun x

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Sure go for it! I might even be inspired by your work!

Thank you sweetie :kissing_smiling_eyes:

@Volatile you and your photography are beautiful! Definitely keep it up! :sparkling_heart:


Thank you :slight_smile: i used to have a great pain for it until i started using and pawned my camera…

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Hiya, how you doing?

Great images! I’m a photographer and can’t believe you did those on your phone! Well done you! *:0D xxx

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Thank you @Pod… They’re Not that great but i do what i can

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I’ve got over 12000 pics backed up myself and love capturing the things I love. Thought I would share this app I found. It’s called Prisma. Here is me sitting drinking my new favorite beverage coffee…yeah I don’t know how to insert a pic. Lol.


@DrunkenMaster Prisma is great! If you want to upload a picture, you go to the upload button on the bottom right side, when you are commenting, and you have to go into documents before you will find your gallery. Hope this helps!

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The upload only works on the website not the app

Fantastic work! I’m a pro for >10 years–you def. have a great eye.