My plan for life and sobriety

So my plan for life & sobriety is largely revolving around honesty… which at first was really hard. Coming clean with my fiancé about everything was really hard… and so we kept my issues with addiction among ourselves until I was ready to share. And the other day I came clean to my mother, unprovoked & not prompted, I chose to. And again, that was really hard. Afterwards though it felt like a weight lifted and a huge relief.

And now I’m really embracing the honesty. I spent time with friends today & I was honest about why I wasnt having a glass of wine with lunch…
Each time I’m about to expose myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my reasons, I do get a bit of anxiety… but it’s becoming so much easier. And I’m started to feel happy about myself and proud of myself after I do. I feel like I’m on the right path, doing the right thing.