My sobriety date

I probably dont need to share this, but I’ve always found meaning in numbers, and my sobriety date is 8.8.18
I like that they’re all 8’s and they also look like the infinity symbol turned sideways.
A sign that my sobriety should stay infinate.
Sounds stupid, but I am always asking for signs.
This will actually really help me stick with it.
Whatever helps right. Lol


Mines 1.2.18 and my birthday is December 18th… 12/18 so my birthday and sober birthday are 1218…:woman_teacher:t2:


I love using dates! Mine is 08/01/18, because it’s been 6 years since going vegan and for 5 years before that I was vegetarian. I’m still going strong with being vegan though, so I know I can be strong with this!

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I get the attraction to numbers, it makes a somewhat tangible connection. It is weird when things like that work out. The day I quit was very random, it was time and I quit. Later on I found that my 90 mark was on the anniversary of the worst day I had in the service, and my 6 month mark is on my Birthday. Random day to quit, or God helping me along the way, making my milestones even more meaningful.


You are not alone in regards to numbers. If that’s your thing and it works then keep it up!!! Congratz!!!

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