NA Just For Today

@Fargesia_murielae this thread could use a caretaker


I started slacking as you can see lol

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I feel like using this as a blanket response every time I see somebody day that they wonā€™t go to a meeting as they donā€™t believe in God. Guess what folks Iā€™m not sure that I do either but I love me a meeting. :+1::slightly_smiling_face::slightly_smiling_face:


Thnx I donā€™t read it everyday but this one hits home :pray:t2:

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I am only in NA. I never developed a habit of soaking since my father is dying off it it kept me from it. Thatā€™s why I stick to NA. Do you visit NA Chambers to?

True story!
The difference is age really. :man_shrugging:t2:
Donā€™t no where your moving.
My groups are in Purmerend (sat) and Haarlem(mon) if you ever feel like tagging along youā€™re so welcome would be honored.

Hahahaha i was thinking of going to Den Helder one day there are some amazing guys over there as well and then Iā€™ll just hop on the ferry.