Naltraxone, anyone?

Has anyone here ever used Naltrexone? My alcohol counselor recommended it, says it works wonders for cravings. I’ve read about it and there seem to be some pretty gnarly side effects. I would love to hear about any experience any of you might have with Naltrexone or any medication like it.:pill:

I have several friends it works for however after 3 days of it I had relentless migraines. The danger with naltrexone is you can in fact still ingest enough drugs to get past the naltrexone and when people do they almost always overdose. If u are taking it then decide to binge out on drugs they all hit u at once when the naltrexone can’t block it anymore. Unfortunately for me drugs like naltrexone and antabuse don’t stop me just makes me sicker

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Antabuse was a good tool for me to have. It’s helped me many nights. After my last drink about 36 days ago, i asked my doc for 30 of them even though i had 4-5 left . I totally agree it is by no means a magical answer to any of our problems. I was told by a friend that served in Vietnam. The guys that aways got into trouble while on pass were forced to take an Antabuse before leaving base. Most were able to suffer through its side effects or throw it up. Although I believe it can kill u, if too much is consumed. Ultimately we need to surrender to our higher power (my God) & he will help us much more then ANOTHER pill. Fortunately since I started going to AA & learned some very important things & gained support from face to face people & all of YOU here. I haven’t needed to take any of those pills in a long time.

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