Nature vs Nurture

I usually burry myself deep within nature and ‘liquid aloha’ in order to escape myself and others. But the past few days I’ve slowly become unearthed while being encouraged, inspired, motivated, and nurtured by all of you.

I’ve never felt like I fit in anywhere, including the skin I was born into. For me to try and fit in anywhere was like ordering a steak at a vegan restaurant, it never turned out well. That is, until I changed venues and found one where alcohol was on the menu. I’ll aways remember my first drink. With each sip it felt as if I was stepping into my skin for the first time. As I drank in the self love it absorbed my anxiety, fear, self loathing, and inhibitions. My constant internal dialog of anxiety and self doubt finally both shut the f*ck up and I was more at peace than Gandhi himself. My internal Clark Kent became a social superman until the cape that helped me fly became the very kryptonite that slowly killed both who I was and who I had the potential to become.

Although I knew I had to try something different because 16 years worth of failed attempts at quitting said so, I had no idea that something as simple as downloading an app was about to upload purpose back into my soul. For the first time in my 34 years I feel like I fit in somewhere and am not only accepted for my flaws, but valued because of them. I can speak freely without out restraint and my words don’t fall upon deaf ears but instead have ignited some of the most encouraging responses I’ve ever heard.

This time a year ago I hit rock bottom… literally, not metaphorically. I was on a week long bender and the day after horrendously twisting my ankle falling down drunk I tripped over my stupidity and fell flat on my face blackening my eye on the jagged lava rock. Being as hard headed as I am, even this wasnt enough to stop the inertia of my self destruction. Living on an active volcano I know first hand that rock isn’t truly the bottom, its merely a foundation built by fire. Having metaphorically fallen face first into the fire and receiving burns of various degrees, I’m ready to step up to rock bottom now and grow from there.

I spend my free time helping the lost, abandoned, neglected, and seemingly forgotten of the animal kingdom. I share my time and resources and together we heal from the time and resources that mother nature shares with us. They and I both know first hand that healing hurts and transformation takes time. But just as a butterfly emerges from its cocoon and is no longer called a caterpillar, so to, once I break free from the cocoon of addiction and sprout the wings of freedom to transcend rock bottom, no longer will I be defined ‘alcoholic’.

For others like myself, please remember that words become spells. Each one harnessing so much power the way they are strung together and either gently placed or carelessly hurled. Every day we are “spelling” out to the world so many things that become a part of a whole. We can be healers, destroyers, the cause of laughter, the root of tears, victors or victims. Imagine if we were able to harness all this power and channel it for building up, starting with the the spells we cast upon OURSELVES! Even the Bible, the ultimate Big Book, when referring to drunkards says, ‘this is what you WERE” (2 Corinthians 6:11). If my Higher Power doesn’t define me by who I was yesterday then who am I to?

@SoberSteph @Jojo526 you have no idea how much your encouraging statements have seeded within me a desire to further help and encourage those who like myself need a different path to recovery. If alcohol helped me step into my skin, then helping others stay sober without the dogma associated with addiction is helping me step back into my soul. With all of my heart, thank you. I dedicate my 10th day sober to you both. If a plush and vibrant tropical island can emerge from the seemingly lifeless black foundation formed of lava… so can we.


We have these things here called monarch butterflies. On the chrysalis is gold. This I see as you right now.

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Absolutely brilliant :scream::bug:

Very well written and inspiring. Thank you for sharing this snippet of your story. Good luck to you on your journey in recovery.

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Mahalo Ian! You as well!

Congrats on day 10! That was beautiful, very deep and inspiring, thank you for sharing your :heart:!!

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Thank you! I’m as deep as a puddle or the copious amounts of liquor I’ve spilt… but come to think of it, that latter is deeper than the former, so I’ll go with that. lol

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Wow, the analogies and contrasting in your writing is awesome.

This is only my third post and 24 hours sober but this app and people like you are helping me affirm the ideology that I can be as great as I feel when I’m inebriated. Thanks for sharing your story and that chill nature hippy picture :smile:


Welcome friend! This forum was a game changer for me. I am not one to openly share such personal things but you all inspire me- truly.

Congrats on your first 24 hours! I made a total of 36 I think on my first time around lol- now 10 days in and really feeling the roller coaster ride of commitment. The only way I can stay strong is by remaining vulnerable. Thank you for taking the time to read my rhetoric and even more time to introduce yourself! With a name like “success” I think you set yourself up for some pretty great results :slight_smile:


10 days is awesome! I can’t wait to see that number on my phone.

I’m similar to you- I love nature, but I especially enjoyed exploring mountains with a six back in my backpack and eventually in my stomach …I didn’t really notice this was a problem until my x gf pointed out I involve drinking in everything I do. Needless to say alcohol numbed my perception: it took losing my gf, $20k, and quite a few brain cells to get the picture.

I hope we can all support each other in our new adventures…honestly, I’m stoked! We have this :smile:

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Hahaha that sounds just like me! I did this epic hike into Waimanu valley- one of the most amazing places on the island and don’t remember most of it because I was drinking the entire time :disappointed:
It’s on my to do list to go back within the year- sober and minimalistically

Lol… 6 pack :joy: you traveled light :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Haha! I had my dog carrying the bottle of whiskey! That sounds like a great rematch. I want to hit the John Muir Trail, but first I gotta handle the trail of sobriety lol

On the trail of sobriety what’s your roadmap?

Oh snap, that’s a great question. I’ve began to focus on myself…strangely enough, instead of going out after work today, I took a bubble bath (yes dudes can benefit from them too haha) and watched Seinfeld lol. How have you made it to day 10? Any suggestions?


Yeah… don’t drink :joy:


Just kidding… there’s way more to it than that. I wrote a post about the physics of sobriety because I want to approach this as a long distance journey, well thought out and calculated- usually I’m way too emotional for my (or anyone else’s) good.

  1. our minds and our hearts aren’t always on the same page. Aligning the two makes a huge difference because no matter how logically you want something, if your hearts not in it, you’ll relapse far before you take that first drink. Work on your heart twice as much as your head

  2. if you can train your mind to think positively, rewire your triggers, and think of what your gaining instead of focusing on what your depriving yourself of, its more fun and rewarding

3). An object in motion tends to stay in motion until something hinders the inertia… so on a good day when everything is easy and fluid, mediate on why and try to keep that pattern and motion going the following day

  1. (and this is the most important that I’ve found) DONT FOCUS SOLELY on you. Give of yourself to others in this forum. Encourage, encourage, encourage! Words are spells… cast good ones upon others and what you put out will be given back 3 fold!

Onward! You got this! Your adventure awaits!


Seems like a mixture of yoga, meditation, self discovery, and social giving align with your road map. Honestly, being only 27 hours into it I didn’t think so deeply, also I’m a fly by the seat of my pants kinda person…but you’re right. Thanks!

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Again… you sound a lot like me as I don’t plan out anything and could’ve never imagined getting buzzed off half a corona 16 years ago would take me here… but now that I’m here I’m willing to start thinking and being accountable for those thoughts. I’m willing to do almost anything to stay sober- except yoga- I’m not that really that much of a hippy :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: Lol