Nearly at day 7 but so down

I have been an emotional abuser of alcohol for 6 years on and off and am now trying my hardest to stay away from the temptation to drain my feelings in wine. I’m finding it hard tonight. My husband has suffered so much due to my actions and has now taken time away. He is deciding if he still wants us and I am so scared he won’t come back to me. This is exactly the trigger that would send me on a binge… Trying so hard to be strong.

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Hi Helen, you can get through this without a drink you will feel stronger by getting through another day. If you drink it may numb you for that moment but tomorrow you will have a hangover, everything will seem a hundred times worse and nothing will have changed :open_mouth: so stay strong, everyone here understands and supports you :blush:


Tough ride chick. Might I suggest a change of thinking. Damn well look a bottle of wine right in the label (face) and kick it to the curb, the nasty little shite is keeping you away from your man. Just keep comparing the two, I’m pretty sure a sleepless night with your husband will be a lot more pleasurable than one because of wine :smirk: On a serious note, ask him if he will just give you some time to prove to him that you can do this, we’ll all be here for you to achieve it :heart:


Never give up stopping the drink it will go a long way in showing him you are ready to fix things. I know it’s easier said than done but keep at it… good luck

Im sorry, I know the feels. I understand how strong these triggers can be, but don’t forget what a trigger does! It releases a bullet that can take out your progress and the hope for a healthy progressive relationship with yourself and others!

Dodge the bullet my friend, its not worth the damage it causes! We are still walking around bleeding from the wounds inflicted by the emotional pain we’ve bandaged with alcohol… time to let them heal, as painful as it is having them exposed.



I take it we need to refrain from picking scabs too :wink:


Hahahahahaha :heart:️ love it! That literally made me “lol”


It sounds to simple to say…but…this too shall pass…sit with it…stay strong…you can do it…send your husband a message and tell him you are finding it hard but you are ready not going to drink …tell him you love him…
I’m the morning you will be proud of yourself…even if it is only briefly…but it will be something you can hold onto…
also call are friend…write a letter to yourself from 5 years in the future…taking about your amazing life with your husband…tell yourself to be strong…tell yourself it is worth it…tell yourself that you no longer have the desire to drink…
You are doing so well…tackling sobriety has its moments of hardship…that is where you are right now it will pass…
Also try reading the messages of others who already trundling right now…give them your support…it is amazing how helpful that can be…
I hope this helped…I believe you can do it…i believe you can get your husband back…it t will pass I promise…it always does…

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Sorry for all the typos…damn predictive text…

Hey, your typo’s just made a perfect example for us great bunch of people. There may be a few mistakes here and there (just like our journeys to sobriety) but the end result couldn’t have been better (like we will be)!


Thanks, having these words of support makes all the difference. I sent my husband a message which has made me feel better but no reply so hopefully the anxiety won’t kick in when I tried to sleep. Still being strong and no drink. I can’t remember the last Saturday night I didn’t drink!

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Be strong and keep your head up this weekend! These are great changes that you’re making. I hope you are able to get some rest and find some peace.

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