Need a reminder for the question why

I’ve gotta stop, life has been full of disappointment up until this point but I’m not ready to die yet especially by drinking myself to death but I’m sure life has got a surprise in store for me and the only way I’m going to appreciate it when it happens is sober. I sure as hell know that unless I sober up there will never be anything to look forward to.
If I get to my last day on this planet and nothing good ever happened after all I’ll just lay there and think, Fuck it I could of had a drink after all​:woozy_face::grin:


Lol i feel like i have covid when i get hung over. Hard to tell the difference besides i dont have a cough

Thank you for shearing

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I realized one afternoon at home that I had no friends. It was the loneliest feeling I’d ever had.

I decided I didn’t want to be alone. I decided to learn how to be present, with myself, in healthy ways. I joined a sobriety group and attended meetings. I learned how to accept and process my emotions, without escaping into my addiction. I developed a toolkit I use.

Learning how to be present with myself, helped me to be present with others. I now have people who I count as true friends.

It starts with being a true friend to yourself. And that means attending to your needs, in healthy, sober ways; listening to the emotions that are tugging you toward relapse. What are you running from?

Doing that will help disempower the addict brain. You’re not destined to relapse here. You can get under the relapse and prevent it before it starts - by naming and understanding the feeling you have, that you’re trying to run from.

How do you feel now? Try these:

Why do you feel that way?


sobriety is important to me because if i had continued to drink i wouldnt be typing this id be dead


Because you’ll be a 40 yo man in a worse boat if you don’t get your shit straight. 3 things can happen

  1. You keep using and your disease progresses much worse.

  2. You keep using and die.

  3. You sober up.

The choice is yours.


Is this your work? If so, would you be okay with me creating a copycat piece using myself as the subject? Not to sell or anything, just for me. If not, no worries - I understand how personal art is!


I’m 54 years old. I used 40. By becoming sober and clean a year ago I gave myself a chance at a life. For which it is never too late. The known answer is using. The known answer is death. The unknown and the chance and possibility is being clean and sober and working on myself. It’s hard and tedious and slow and I don’t know if I will make but at least I’m giving myself a chance. There simply isn’t an alternative to being free of substances. The only alternative is the abyss.


Hope @SassyRocks won’t mind me sharing her list…

Good riddance to hangovers! (And other things I don't miss)

Lots of other good stuff on that thread too (as well as this one!)


You know me and my list! Lol Seriously, no hangovers never gets old. And loving myself versus despising myself…priceless. :heart:


Wow Ray powerful picture :pray:


I look back at every horrific situation in my life and it all leads to drinking. Took me till 9 days ago to see that. The “why” in my opinion is that YOUR WORTH MORE! Even if your not feeling it mentally or emotionally, you truly are a gift, and the longer you work towards that, you’ll SEE it for yourself. Stay strong!!


Made it through the day. If it wasnt for you guys here on ts i would have messed it up.

Im now 4 days and almost 19 hours in substance free :slight_smile:

Maricals all around


I wasted over 30 plus years of my life. Had some fun and enjoyed my early years. By the time I realized it wasn’t fun and that it wasn’t that I didn’t want to stop, it was that I couldn’t, it was too late. I have fought with myself and the devil into the depths of hell and back out to get to where I am today. I don’t ever want to feel the self hate, anger, and helplessness ever again. I have found the space time continuum. The light inside of a black hole. It’s an amazingly wonderful place to be. I don’t even have to try now that I have completely surrendered my mindset to believing in myself. My peace of mind is unbelievably surreal.


I needed to hear that. You said you fought like hell to get where you are. I believe that i too will need to some prepair myself for that day or even days

My biggest fear is losing family to some disaster
I cant even begin to comprehend that.

I guess i should value my time a lot more and tell the loved ones how i feel more

I hate substantces. Addiction and rock bottom have no mercy

God bless you all

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no its a friend of mine i sponsor should be ok

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checkin in on day 6

people like me when im sober lol but really im no help to anyone drunk or high

I’mhappy you got through yesterday sober. Check in next time another craving hits bud. :slight_smile:

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heyy pants :slight_smile:

i deffinetly will.

i talked to my dad today and he knows ive gottin this far be4 and he said to just continue sober.

i put my dad through hell because of the addictions. i put my family through hell.

ooh the missery it brought

i remember steeling drinks of wine at 7 in the morning, getting drunk, going to my day program at 9 in the morning, hung over by 11am at my day program and then because i was hung over and pissy i attemted to walk about 15miles back home from my program. i got lucky my sisters friend picked me up about 2 hours in the walk back. then my sister had to drive to pick me up at her friends house. i was not a proud kid.

i swear, one day in the not so far past, it just clicked that family is everything and i havnt acted out on them scence even though i was still very much so obbsessed about pot and alcohol

im very well off with my attitude adjustments

as for my addiction i need to learn how to work my recovery as sober and recovery are a bit of 2 different things. thats where aa, na, and ts come in.

as it said on the wall in the halls, if i want to continue drinking thats my buissness. if i want to stop, thats OUR buissness.

bless you pants :slight_smile:
it is great hearing from you

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Powerful image. Thank you for sharing.


It’s good to hear from you as Well pal, I,'ve put my family through he’ll also. It feels so good not telling any lies anymore. I can’t believe that I used to live that way.
Keep it up m8. :+1::slight_smile: