Need help, I'm really having some serious urges to have a drink

I’m typing this in real time, I’m at my local fish and chip shop and the bottle shop is right next to it. Its a public holiday and the weather is soooo warm, my body wants a cold beer right now. Like if I had the nerve to drink in public like a crazed beer thirsty mad woman I’d do that right this second. But the regular alky in me would probably just sit in my car and gulp down a can in private. Nup this didn’t work…I thought typing out this whole paragraph would kill my urge to drink. It’s so strong I can feel the urge pumping through my chest veins not that I’m buff I’m actually chubby. Anyway I think this is working , the urge is subsiding… I just realised my daughter is with me and she is being so lovley and so good , patiently waiting for our order . Wahhh the urge is back again…damn. I want to punch myself in the head. Arggg, the mental struggle right now is real


Now is the time to walk out of that place and go home…And the reply I want is not three paragraphs of you sitting there trying to rationalize this situation. Tell me once you are home and away from alcohol…


A beer doesn’t solve shit. Will give you the fuckits and you’ll be sad & mad at yourself.

We don’t have to, or need to drink anymore.


Hey Thori,
I got a lot to be grateful for when I’m sober. I bet you do to. I’d be working on a gratitude list when I’m thinking about drinking. I got so much to be grateful for when I’m sober. And my daughter is definitely one of them. And now I’m a sober grandpa.

Or spend some time on here reading and getting caught up on what other people are doing. Sometimes just reading other people’s gratitude makes me realize how much I got when I’m sober.

How much sober time you got? You’ll be real proud of yourself tomorrow when you don’t pick up tonight.
Keep checking in here. You made the right decision coming here.


You’ve got this !
Stay strong !
Sing a song with your daughter.
The craving will pass.
You’ve got this.

Excellent job coming here !!!

Keep writing talking singing


The fuckits…LoL! That is when one beer turns into six and turns into OH SHIT!

For me the ‘fuckits’ were my mind saying oh well I am already drinking so a little marijuana or pills or cocaine will be ok…


I’m home, I wanted to walk out of that shop right there and then , but my chubby self needed to eat too. Ok I learnt something just now, I’m weak when I’m hungry, I’m weak when I go to buy food right next to a bottle shop where I’d bought beer from in the past. I must say I totally demolished my food, it was so yum. I did it man! I fought the beast within me and I won this time. That was scary stuff man, I couldn’t believe how strong that craving was. I’m stuck in my head now, that was my first strong craving since giving up 25 days ago…That really scared me


There’s so many better things you can do with this moment than have a drink! Just looking around you can probably count any number of things that you are experiencing without the haze of alcohol and the likelihood of not remembering what happens after you drink. That’s what I love most about being sober, I don’t have to wonder what happened. That’s one of my strongest reasons not to drink, I never want to not remember what happens in my life in the present and future. We can’t change the past but we can choose to live for now and remember and cherish every second of it. :pray: for you!


Today is day 22 for me I’m right behind you!


Thanks Smitty…wise words :blush: thankyou


It’s called HALT.

Great job figuring it out.


I’m glad there some actual science behind this. Here I was feeling afraid of myself if I’m honestly that broken? I gotta load my brain with more information for my recovery journey to be more successful… I love this place, this Sober place amongst ye fellow sober soldiers.:heart:


You did it! Yessss! :muscle:

And this is how we exercise that muscle and how it gets stronger - one day at a time, one craving at time.

I hope you are proud! And that you wake up tomorrow beaming! Beats the hell outta waking up deep in regret and remorse, hey?

I adore your turtle picture. How clever, really! When those cravings come, I picture it just retreating safely into its shell, hanging out until the craving passes and the skies are sunny again. (Edit: just bring phone into shell, turtle. So we/TS can come with you! :laughing:)

I’m grateful we get to share our urges and share in each others victories. Grateful you shared yours! :orange_heart:


Thankyou, yeah I guess I am a lil bit proud of myself now, I never really pat myself of the back. Yes the turtle reminds me of the kind of person I really want to be. Slow but steady in my progress. To be able to slow down my angry responses. Slow down my crazy thoughts, I want to be calm,like a chill as happy little turtle in life. And to drink more water, and to swim more in it too​:relaxed::turtle:.


You did good! Recovery is little steps each day. Learn from each one and keep pushing forward.
You learned from this one that hunger give you cravings. Now you know and can act on it.
That’s a win isn’t it? And you know you can overcome a craving, that’s a win too!


Feels better than " 1 drink"


Yes!! This brought a big smile to my face. Well done! :clap:t3::clap:t3: You just flexed a sober muscle, they get stronger the more you do that. Excellent outcome!