Im 4 months sober and I need to do something tonight to get out of my head. I had 3 friends die recently and it’s really got me emotionally messed up…
Oh, Im so sorry! This past weekend when I went to a funeral it was extremely difficult and like you mentioned, being stuck in my head was the worst. But looking back, Im glad I processed the emotions because when I drink, I really just stuff them down and they fester causing the cycle of addiction to be prolonged.
4 months is an incredible accomplishment. I only have 8 days but would give anything to have started 4 months ago!
Please stay strong and know that the type of drinking we do slowly kills us physically, mentally, and emotionally. Don’t just “hang in there”… CLING in there! CLING to your sobriety with as much strength as you can fester.
Iv never craved this hard like it hurts
Adding a hangover and the pain of relapse won’t help my friend… can you get out of the house or wherever you are to help get out of your head? Watch a movie of funny YouTube videos-
Get busy. Get out of the house and go somewhere that doesn’t serve booze. Go to the gym. Go for a walk. Just get moving. You can do it!