Hi there, I’m Lucas. Attempting to kick the alcohol habit at the moment. 1.3 days from most recent relapse.
I’m 29 years old and live in Melbourne, Australia. Been drinking since the age of 17 and experimented with numerous drugs etc. There have been periods of heavy use and periods of minimal use since then. Currently gotten myself into a bit of a bad phase and need to drop alcohol now.
I’ve tried numerous strategies however I don’t think I’ll ever be able to drink responsibly. Probably 50% of the time I drink I do something bad and it’s affecting my work and relationships. Just sick and tired of it.
Hi Lucas from Bonnie Scotland was out your way last March we did a cruise New Zealand and Aussie Melbourne was on our stops loved the cake shop in the shopping centre. Met a buddy of mine there too I have made friends with on friends of Bill w on line. He to is a alcoholic like me so your not alone mate try and get to a AAMeeting see how it works it’s worked for me for 30 years best of luck
Hi Lucas, I’m on day 4. It’s my first serious attempt to completely stop… it’s been hard so far but this forum is brilliant and I think that I would have caved in on day 2 if it had not have been for the support here good luck and stay strong
Day 3 here. Also had to get serious. I can’t drink responsibly either. I can’t stand when I can’t remember things clearly. I cleaned the kitchen new year’s night and had no clue who had done it. I mean that’s a good thing ha ha but there have been so many bad things… We can do this!
You are definetly not alone. We’ve all tried to drinking different ways that just never works. I think its time you try being 100% honest with yourself about your drinking habits and what your triggers are and why you rather drink with the 50% possibilty of the outcome being bad rather than quit completely.
Alot of my reason for choosing to drink even though I never knew whether itd turn out okay or not is I really wanted to have control. I thought I would just learn it. Thats just not how I was built.
Hello Lucas. It’s never too early or too late to give up the poison. Better to make the choice now and stay committed before it adds anymore negatives to your life or worse yet affects your health like it has mine. We are here to help and support you! Day 23 for me.
It’s as if I wrote your post- same issue, timeline, and perspective.
I’m 9 days into it, and I can tell you, it’s a learning experience. The conviction used to stay sober can also be applied throughout your everyday life. The amount of clarity I’ve gained is amazing, although I can tell I still need a couple more weeks to get in touch with all of the emotions and thought processes I had numbed.
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Had a good day at work today and went to gym for the first time in ages! Feeling pretty positive. Hearing all these stories makes me feel more determined
Gym good Lucas don’t know if you’ve thought of AA it helps to be with people eye to eye contact. And who have been were you are when I got sober there wasn’t any apps or internet lol. It’s important to get a network and phone numbers so best of luck buddy
Thanks Ray. I’ve thought about AA before and made excuses.
I’ll look into it this evening after work. You’re definitely right about the networking aspect. I have been distancing myself from people i know lately. Most I do know don’t understand.
I promised myself Id check out an AA meeting.Im terrified of going to one since the last time I went I was lying to everyone about sobriety or even wanting to quit.Im ready to quit now I just need to get some courage to go to one.
I hope you find your way there as well.
Hey Kimberly! I wish I was that productive when I black out. Instead all I do is piss everyone off nearby, send heaps of messages/calls or spend large amounts of money
I’d be lying if I said there were no good times drinking, because sometimes I have a lot of fun and have good social experiences. Those times are just far outweighed by the negative ones.
Thanks Ryan, I appreciate the support. Congrats on your efforts so far! I have a job that I love and I’d never forgive myself if my drinking cost me that opportunity. Nearly lost my girlfriend as well recently, so yeah pretty serious at the moment.
Same here. Its feels so much better when you are honest. A few months ago I told my mom everything and my husband as well. I told them I needed their support. I dont blame them for not always being strong and keeping temptation away from me.They arent perfect either…but its the fact that I can be honest about my weakness that helps.
Amen! I’m not normally that productive either. Normally I end up arguing and youe right there are more good times than bad but, the bad outweigh the good. I am going to struggle when summer comes around again… But I am hoping by that time. I am stronger. We can do this Lucas. It’s so much healthier than living with the regret.