Needing something in your hand

One thing I admit I need is something in my hand.Its a nervous habit.I always feel like I needed something in my hand.So what has helped me stick to saying no is saying yes to water, or tea or anything that is not alcohol.My hands are so use to holding something so I’m constantly drinking some sort of drink but instead of beer it’s those things.
Dinner with cousins?Kombucha please.
Family party?water please
This weekend I went to a winery and I asked for a wine glass with ice, and filled it with sprite.
I noticed people kept staring at it, but It was comforting to me. That’s all that matters.
I love being around friends,
Do you guys feel this way too?

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Absolutely, but I drink water with ice, it’s shaking from the inside. Sprite is too sweet for me)

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@Danil good to know I’m not alone lol :slight_smile:

Hi @Restlesssoul this is completely normal and i don’t think it’s just for those with drink problems it can be for anything smokers etc, in my very early recovery I had the same issue and wasn’t even aware of it untill it was pointed out to me. All I can say is that from my experience it does pass. Don’t beat yourself up about it. Better to have something in your hand rather than an alcoholic drink. For me I still smoke and as much as I would like to quit I know at the moment I’m not ready so my tobacco habit will have to remain for now as my sobriety comes 1st. Keep at it a day at a time :slight_smile:


@Jojo thank you! Smit was making me feel a little crazy because I noticed people noticing lol

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