I have just started The Mandalorian and binge wacth the firts 4 episodes, I stopped because is late but its really good.
About Fargo I remember watching it on Netflix but the had only the first 3 seasons.
I will look it into the hobbit aswell when I finished Star Wars universe. Enjoy my friend.
Just finished an awesome movie called Christspiracy. It’s main question is that if a person considers herself a spiritual or religious, can she eat meat and animal products? Jesus taught thou shall not kill, but why so many Christians and spiritual people consume animal products and by doing that participates in killing? I highly recommend this movie to everyone and especially to spiritual and religious people. You can watch the movie free in their website.
Been watching ‘apple cidar vinegar’ on netflix. Can recommend it. About an Australian blogger faking a Cancer diagnosis and making profit of her healing story.