Hi, i’m new here. I’m Astrid , 24yo from Italy. Struggling with drugs addiction . Today’s my First 3days sober. Wish me luck on this journey. I send you a big hug compagneros. Bè strong
@Astrid congratulations on your decision to take this journey Astrid. The road is long, but it’s a beautiful journey from what I’ve experienced so far. If you ever have questions or concerns there are a lot of people on here that have been through tough experiences and have good advice. Don’t be afraid to ask and I am wishing the best for you. Keep your head up!
Syof course i’ll doy best. Cosciousnous there wil bè relapsese but the important is to stay strong. Thanks 4your supporto.
@Astrid welcome! You are in the right place. Great job getting through 3 days. I know how hard that is for you. Keep going girl! You got this!
ThNks for your suppor
today’s is very hard.
Just trying to stay strong and do not relapse …but Temptation Is very strong.
By the way i am very Happy to have found people that support me like you in this forum