New addicted girl on the road for a new life

Hi, i’m new here. I’m Astrid , 24yo from Italy. Struggling with drugs addiction . Today’s my First 3days sober. Wish me luck on this journey. I send you a big hug compagneros. Bè strong


@Astrid congratulations on your decision to take this journey Astrid. The road is long, but it’s a beautiful journey from what I’ve experienced so far. If you ever have questions or concerns there are a lot of people on here that have been through tough experiences and have good advice. Don’t be afraid to ask and I am wishing the best for you. Keep your head up!


Syof course i’ll doy best. Cosciousnous there wil bè relapsese but the important is to stay strong. Thanks 4your supporto. :gift_heart::facepunch:

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@Astrid welcome! You are in the right place. Great job getting through 3 days. I know how hard that is for you. Keep going girl! You got this!

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ThNks for your suppor
today’s is very hard.
Just trying to stay strong and do not relapse …but Temptation Is very strong.
By the way i am very Happy to have found people that support me like you in this forum