New addition to my little "Alter"

Last night I went to my home group A.A meeting and received my one month coin. I reached one month last Wednesday and could not wait for my meeting. Well this morning I woke up with heavy worries on my mind and I then when I was getting ready to do meditation I looked over and saw my coin I put besides my bed last night. It’s time to place it inside my bowl of important jewelry and other things people have given to me. I learned you should have some sort of alter set up when you do oracle card readings and for me I set one up with things that mean to most to me. On the left is a hand carved and painted duck my grandfather made for me and on the right is a bowl containing two rings one is a ring my mother gave to me and one is a promise ring my gf gave to me when we were on a cruise. This coin will now be a part of my life just as my mom and girlfriend are…


Oh it took me a minute to figure out what “alter” meant. I was thinking it was short for “alternative”. Ha ha ha.

But I LOVE this idea. One time I had put out a little jar. Everyday I was sober I dropped a little coloured bead in it. I had hoped to eventually see a full jar of coloured beads. Alas, it didn’t work out.

I do need to try something again. I used to have a “weight loss” charm thing going. I should try that again, but instead of counting pounds lost I could count days/weeks/months sober.

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I have a box of meaningful things, I also forgot what most of them meant to me, and I’m dreading going through it, lest I get a whip of fear.
What ate oracle cards o.O

@Gale66 oracle cards are similar to tarot cars but are not used for telling someone’s fortune or future per say. I use them every morning after meditation. For instance… I hold them to my chest and ask an open ended question (never a yes or no question) about whatever is on my mind that particular day. One example was today! I had troubling dreams last night. I woke up and asked for strength and was just struggling on why my dreams were haunting me. This is what my card read. DREAM TRAVELER :card meaning " you are a channel for spirit. Trust your intuition, hunches, and gut reactions. This is a visionary card with the message that you are on the right path even if it doesn’t always seem like it. Your higher self and spiritual guides, ancestors, and guardians are watching over you and supporting you. You are blessed, and you are a blessing. You are a dreamer in the most wondrous definition of the word" I swear I’m not making this up. Some days it gives me the chills

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that’s really cool!!!
Sounds like magik to me, I understand the concept of it. Like invoking your higher power into a tangible existence. I’m scared that it’s not what my god wants, stemming from Christianity and everything. No idols and what not.
I’m still trying to figure out what my god S will is for me

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They are just native American cards. Nothing to do with religion just spirituality. I am not into the voodoo stuff haha :slight_smile: but I understand what you mean.

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I love the duck and that your grandfather made it.

The rest is cool too…lol great idea and congratulations on that coin!

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