* Checking in daily to help maintain focus

Sassy rocks!! :slight_smile:
Day 5 and a half haha.

Feeling good today and seeing the rewards of sobriety already



I’ve totally lost the appetite for it, too! Its all too sweet for me now, to the point of being unappealing.

Except ice cream. I could still eat a gallon of ice cream in one sitting. Can’t keep it in the house :rofl:

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Day 10. Feeling happy. Waking up early and been super productive at work.


Yeah I think detoxing from sugar can change ones taste buds. The more sugar I have the more I crave it and the better it seems to taste.

Ummmm ice cream :icecream::yum:

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Day 35 today! Tho, noticing thoughts creeping back in, trying to justify having a drink, thinking I “don’t really” have a problem. I know this is not true, otherwise I wouldn’t be here in the first place. Even though I didn’t drink all the time, most times that I did, I wouldn’t stop and would be blackout drunk an then the following days are filled with so much misery, depression, anxiety and despair. I don’t want to go through it ever again. So I need to accept that I cannot drink, and also that I don’t want to drink, because it’s NOT worth it!


Day 210. On a smaller thread @mayjay said something that really resonated with me.

I think this is simply a brilliant way to view recovery. This has been MY recovery. It’s had me make many changes to my life with regards to events, relationships, etc. My life looks quite different but much fuller and brighter. More meaningful. It’s been a great path to follow. :tulip:


Hey Charlie, sorry to hear you’re struggling. I remember you saying a while back that you had a very long stretch of sobriety (I believe you were sober for at least a year and maybe a few). What inspired you have that long stretch that is no longer there to inspire you? Are you actually “making it hard on yourself” or are you just not willing to quit? Don’t wait for a rock-bottom or a health scare, my friend. Trust me… they both suck and take a long time to emotionally recover from. You. Can. Do. This!


Wow, Rose. You perfectly summarized how I feel about my recovery. It’s not easy, but it is better and brighter. Congrats on 210!!!


This is my favourite sentence ever.


Thank you Bill. It’s hard work but so worth it. :+1:

As we go through this journey we see these little titbits sometimes from other people and sometimes we work it out for ourselves.
This was a piece of advice that I found on here right at the start. It has stuck with me ever since.
Imho, it’s the reason why some people struggle. They think that they can just fit being sober in to their lifestyle somewhere.
Well that doesn’t work.
Well done :rose: please for you! ,:star_struck:


Thank you Geoff. I learn something new every day from other people’s experiences. You have been a very big help to me. Thank you!


Thank you Kairi. :cherry_blossom:


Was sober 20 days, relapsed… Hard… Back again because there’s nothing I want more than sobriety and good health. 18 months ago I was healthy, confident, energetic, and my memory was extraordinary. I’ve lost all of that and want to gain it back. Today, I’ll be signing up to a gym to create a new, good habit. Day 2.


Checking in on day 48 today. About a month ago I would have vivid dreams of using, and I would actually use in my dream

The past week I’ve had 2 very very vivid using dreams, except…in my dreams there is always a struggle to get the drugs or even when I get them, I never seem to use. This I feel is my mind telling me that I’m sober and nothing good will come of using. When I had using dreams in early stages of sobriety, I would wake up guilty and scared. These past 2 dreams of “almost using” I’ve woken up feeling relieved and almost happy because my dreams now keep giving me obstacles that make it impossible to use. This must be my sobriety speaking to me while im sleeping, giving me a sign that using will just erase all I’ve accomplished these past 7ish weeks.

Very interesting take on dreams and how different they have become now verses 5 or 6 weeks ago


I’m in the same boat as you. 28 years old and have been on the highest legal dosage of adderal since I was 12. I began to use it so my alcohol tolerance got higher and so I wouldn’t fall asleep during the day while drinking. Also to lose weight. I play with the idea too of going back to it-so easy to get a script but my doctors said it also was a cause of my cirrhosis. Who knows. Anyways, there are plenty of other non amohetamine based add medications. I’ve just started working two jobs and am going to school so I know the feeling of needing something. Have you done any research? I’m all ears, i to would like to try something just for focus…


Based on what I’ve read so far (and still reading), I am leaning towards bringing up Straterra to my primary care. Non-amphetamine, non-stimulant. Hoping it could help, as one of the main things listed about it is that it helps with focus/concentration, with virtually 0 abuse potential. Different for everyone though, I just see it as a potential option.

  1. It’s a beautiful thing to notice your mind being less and less quick to jump into bad habits again.

Checking in day 130.


Are your still numb from when you went to the dentist’s, that was a good few days ago wasn’t it :slightly_smiling_face::frowning: